10/16 Meetings & Rose Parade Info
Meeting information for the week of 10/16:
- Lions – Monday at 6:30pm in Pike Hall
- Tigers – NO MEETING
- Wolves – Monday at 6:00pm at Blackhawk Creek Trail – don't forget your 6 essentials!
- Bears – Tuesday at 6:30pm in Connor Hall
- Webelos – NO MEETING
- Arrows – Tuesday at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall
If you have not yet turned in your health forms or YPT please do so ASAP!
This Saturday the 21st is the 2023 Tyler Rose Festival Parade! This year we will be joining other Packs and Troops to represent the East Texas Area Council and all that scouting does for our youth. Our participation in the parade demonstrates our community involvement, and the kids always have a blast, getting to see all the faces in the crowd cheering for them, plus getting to be on TV and in the newspaper – we have even had our Scouts picture in The New York Times! We would love to have as many scouts as possible participate in this year’s parade. Participation in the parade even fulfills a requirement for the Bear Adventure Paws for Action (Duty to County).
We will meet on Saturday morning at the corner of Glenwood and Front St. from 7:30-8am. SCOUTS NEED TO BE THERE NO LATER THAN 8AM! Attached is a map showing road closures and parking locations. Please arrive as early as possible and plan accordingly. Scouts MUST be checked in by a parent/guardian with Nicole Whittaker or one of our registered Leaders. All Scouts need to be in their Class A uniform – button down shirt, neckerchief, slide, belt, closed toe shoes and pants (blue, khaki, jeans, or green for tan shirts – no rips or holes!). Lions should wear their Lion T-shirt. It may be a bit chilly Saturday morning, so please have your scout wear a long sleeved under shirt or a light jacket. Lions and Tigers are required to have their adult partner with them to participate in the parade. Thanks to Derrick and Kendra Nash, Lions and Tigers will get to ride on the trailer! All other ranks will walk. Parents of Wolves, Bears, Webelos and Arrows are welcome to walk with the Scouts. Parents should wear a Pack T-shirt or royal blue shirt if possible.
The parade route will go West down Front St. toward the Rose Garden, then turn onto Fair Park Dr. toward the Rose Stadium where the parade will end. Scouts will be picked up at the parking lot on S Lyons Ave to the West of the Stadium. SCOUTS MUST BE CHECKED OUT BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN. They will not be allowed to leave without being checked out. There will be general parking near the Rose Stadium, and seats will be available there for $10. More parking is available at Mike Carter Field. See the attached map.