AOL Update

AOL Update:

I hope you all enjoyed the sNOw day!  We have a busy month coming up so please read this entire post.

This week:

Monday: Pack meeting-this is the Pine Wood Derby pack meeting where kids will pick up their cars and learn all the rules.

Tuesday: AOLs will meet at 6:30 like normal and we will have a guest speaker so please wear Class A.  This will satisfy Duty to God Requirement 2 and we will not be able to have a make up for this.  If you miss the meeting you will need to meet with fulfill that requirement on your own.

Friday-Sunday: Family Feast Campout with the Troops for boys AND girls.  Scouts will need to meet at the church at 6 and plan to depart at 6:30 (eat dinner before arriving).  We will need parents to help with transport.  For adults to camp with the Troop you MUST be a registered adult leader with BSA. This is different from Cub Scouts where you just need YPT.  I will be camping this weekend, along with Mr. Nash (possibly Mrs. Nash) plus leaders from the Troop. I will send a packing list later this week but you will NOT need to bring a tent.  The cost will be $15 per scout (if you already paid via the website or me and want to use it for this please let me know).

I know that we will have 2 meetings back to back this week and that isn't feasible for some so if you must choose, Tuesday's meeting is the most important as it will cover a requirement for crossover that we will NOT be able to make up. 


Pinewood Derby: February 8th- details at pack meeting tomorrow but we will most likely be running a concession stand to help cover the cost of plaques and arrows for crossover


Crossover: February 15th at 10am we will be doing a waffle brunch and will be sending out more details as soon as they are nailed down. Location is TBD. For the boys crossing over there will be a campout with the Troop following.