Author: Pack359

Final Call Mid-America Museum Overnighter

Hello Scout Family, We need a final head count by Friday in order to ensure there is enough food. You must register to be counted. Here is the link  If you have already registered watch you email Sunday, July 14 for the waiver you will need to print, sign and bring with you.  Schedule You are welcome to explore all the museum exhibits from 4pm-10:45 pm and from 7am-8:45am4pm: Arrival. Drop off bags in upstairs classroom until museum closes. This is also the only opportunity to visit the Museum Store (store closes at 5).5pm: Tesla Show in the Tesla Theater6pm: Dinner in the downstairs classroom (Pizza, salad, water, canned drinks)7pm: Tonight’s Sky show in the Digital Dome Theater8pm: Twilight Dino Walk and Discovery Tables throughout…

July Event: Mid-America Museum

Howdy Pack Family! There is still time to sign up for our July 20th summer activity at the  Mid-America Museum in Hot Spring, Arkansas. If you attend a pack or den event each month in the summer you will earn the summer time award. The pack will pay for your scout and one adult per scout. Hooray for popcorn and flags! Each additional person (adult or child) will be $50. Final schedule for the weekend will be sent out soon. Arrive Saturday evening (time TBD) to check-in. Activities Saturday evening and Sunday you are welcome to stay for the full day.  Registration  ($50 non-refundable deposit is required and when you arrive at the museum you will get it back) I also want to give a big shout…

Flag pick-up

Flag pick up is Monday, July 8th at 6 PM. Please meet at the church in Field uniform (class A) for further instructions. We need as many boys as possible because “many hands make light work”. See you then!

Flag pick-up

Flag pick up is Monday, July 8th at 6 PM. Please meet at the church in Field uniform (class A) for further instructions. We need as many boys as possible because “many hands make light work”. See you then!

End of Year Survey

Hello Pack Family, As we gear up for our July events and plan the upcoming year we would like your feedback to see how we can improve our pack. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey And don't forget to sign-up for a July overnight at the Mid-American Museum in Hot Springs, Arkansas on July 20th. Register online at  Yours in Scouting, KP

Mid-America Museum Overnighter!

Howdy Pack Family! Our Overnight trip to the Mid-America Museum in Hot Springs, Arkansas is scheduled for July 20th. The Pack will pay for your scout and ONE adult per scout. Hooray for Popcorn and Flags!! Each additional person (adult or child) will be $50. Register for the overnighter at This year, the Pack Committee requested a $50 non-refundable deposit for those families interested in going. The deposit will be returned to you in CASH when you arrive at the museum. Unfortunately, we have seen a growing number of instances where families sign up for an event but do not come. Not only does this cost our Pack more money, but more importantly, it prevents other families from attending that would have liked to…

Movie in the Park

Hello Pack 359,  I hope everyone's summer is off to a great start!  This is a reminder that our pack will be holding Movie in the Park tomorrow (Friday) at 8 PM.  This is a BAF event, Bring a Friend!  Popcorn and bottled water will be provided and Sno on the Go will have sno cones for purchase.  Hope to see you there!  If it rains the event will be cancelled.  This event can count towards your cub's summer time activity award if you attend. Yours in Scouting,  Somer Bockover 

Day Camp

Good Morning,  I want to share some good news with you!  The Council has extended the early bird price of $75 until June 10th!  I will be going on  Monday June 3 to register our Pack for the early bird price with the 30% discount.  After June 3 you will need to go directly to the scout office or mail in the attached application and payment to register for camp.  Also, some of you have filled out the form for Wo-Ha-Li via online but did not go to the Pack page to pay.  We need you to go to BOTH places to register for camp.  One is Pack specific and the other is for the district.  Below are both of the links.  Remember the discount code is…