Author: Pack359

Finish Strong!!

Hey, Webelos Family, let’s finish up strong. Enter those requirements for Duty to God; Stronger, Higher, Faster; pamphlet exercises; Cyber Chip; etc etc etc into Scoutbook. Our next meetings will be catch up for those missing items…..Thanks for all you do! GET IT DONE!!

Spring Break Campers!!!!

Howdy, Spring Breakers, Please remember to pack for the weather for our upcoming Spring Break trip to Lake Eufaula near Checotah, OK. When you arrive, please inform the check-in station you are with our Pack. I have once again attached the “What to Bring List.” We will be performing a service project while there, so gloves would probably come in handy. Please travel safely. Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster  What to Bring to Camp

Den Meetings, Monday, 3/4/19

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! Congrats to all the District PWD winners!!  Pack 359 had a great showing.  Thanks for your participation. Here is the Den Meeting Location Line-Up for Monday at 6:30pm: 1.  Lions – not meeting 2.  Tigers – Discovery Room 3.  Wolves – not meeting 4.  Bears – not meeting 5.  Webelos – Pike Hall 6.  AOL – not meeting Please ensure you are meeting with your Den Leader to complete any requirements needed for rank advancement prior to Blue & Gold on April 12!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Let’s Try Again!!!

Tomorrow, we will try Looking Back, Looking Forward again….please ask your Scouts what they need to bring for their Patrol timeline. Also, have your Scout bring something (of significance) to place in the Den time capsule. We will have one time capsule to place items in…see you tomorrow!!

Spring Break Meeting Thursday, 2/28/19 at 6:30 pm

Howdy, Spring Breakers, If you are attending Spring Break with us at Lake Eufaula State Park in Checotah, OK, Mar 9-12, then we need you to come to the meeting Thursday at 6:30 pm in Pike Hall at the church. We will have information regarding the location, map, things to do in the area, etc…..and. most importantly, I can sign your Health Form, Page C, which is required for ALL participants. So, please bring one with you. I have attached it to this email once again. Youth must also have the Activity Consent Form, which I have also attached. I have also attached the “What To Bring to Camp” list. Please be aware of the weather. It’s going to be chilly!! They will have firewood…

Pack Meeting, Monday, 02/25/2019 at 6:30 pm

Happy Sunday, Pack 359 Family, Tomorrow’s meeting is a Pack meeting at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary. Uniform is Field (Class A). No hats please. You can still sign up for up for the Spring Break trip to Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma. Go to to register and pay securely online. Cost is only $20 per family. We will be having an informational meeting this Thursday, February 28 at 6:30 pm in Pike Hall to review maps, locations, itinerary, and to complete the C form of the Health form. It has been attached to this email, so please bring it. See you tomorrow! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster  2015 Health Form_ABC.pdf