Author: Pack359

2022 District Pinewood Derby

2022 District Pinewood Derby District races will be on February 27th in Bullard this year hosted by Pack 366. Races will be held at Bullard Southern Baptist Church in the gymnasium. 716 North Houston St. Races begin at 1pm. They will start with Lions and work there way up by rank. If you are not racing but would like to attend you are welcome to do so. Also there will be a food truck onsite.

Flag Help!

Howdy Webelos, Ben’s family had a family emergency and can’t deliver their flag route. They have all the flags for B2 and C1 at their house. Take a look and text me if you can go get the flags directly from the Warren house (903.235.4402) B2 Route  C1 Route Flags need to be out by tomorrow. Thanks, Kathy  

Pack Meeting tonight – WUMC – 6:30pm – Wear your Class A (uniforms)

The February PACK MEETING is tonight – it’s the Pinewood Derby Awards Show – 6:30pm at WUMC!!!! DEN 4 BEARS have earned their Whittling Chip card – that will be awarded tonight. Also Pinewood Derby 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Speed, Style, and a host of SPECIAL awards, including the coveted TURTLE award! Den 4 Flag Families- if you did not pick up your Flags Saturday, you can get them after the Awards Monday night. DEN 4 – ZONE 3 – Here’s who is handling the Den 4 Flags – can be put out any time this week! Have to be out by the weekend – President’s Day is next Monday!! B4 Route – Windridge & Remington – 4 Flags – Nielsen Family  B4 Route – Canyon Springs…

Pack Meeting Tonight, Please Pick up Flags After Meeting

Hello Tiger Families! This is a reminder that we have a Pack Meeting tonight, and it will be a fun one! We’ll be announcing the winners from the Pinewood Derby Races and our Tigers will get to share our song with the rest of the Pack. Please have your scout wear their Class A uniforms (Blue shirt). Did you know that President’s Day is February 21st, next Monday? Our Flag Service Customers will get to show their support for our Pack and our Country with our flag service. The Tiger den is responsible for putting out flags at Zone 5. Here is a link to the routes. Please chose one and put the flags out by Wednesday. ZONE 5 click here.    After you have placed…


Tonight will be our awards ceremony for Pinewood Derby and wolves are responsible for the flag ceremony! Please arrive 10-15 mins early if you can so we can have a quick practice! Thanks for all you do!

Monday Night

Happy Sunday Lion Parents, just wanted to let y’all know that at the Pinewood derby award show the Lions, regardless if they attended, won, or lost, each Lion will receive a participation medal. Also if you can work with them tonight or tomorrow before the show on their skit it would be much appreciated. Their first line is repeating the word “attention” while walking to the stage. They will keep saying attention till I ask “what do y’all want??” Then they will reply “We just want attention!” They will then go back to their seats. Our skit is right after the special style awards, so if you can send your kid to the back of the room to Mrs. Jacquelyn once they call out the…

Pinewood Derby Photos

Wow!! What an exciting Pinewood Derby today! Give all your kids a high five from me. If you took some great pictures you would like to share with the pack for our slideshow please email them to Pinewood Derby Award show is Monday at 6:30pm 1st and 2nd place in speed and style advance to District so take care of your cars. If you did not pick up your flags after the race you will need to do so Monday night right after Awards.   Cody Baker Cubmaster


Hey BEARS – Everyone should have seen the Pack Update, but just in case, we race at 8:00 am at WUMC!   Race Day  Races will take place den by den in Friendship Hall as follows: 8:00am- Bears 8:45am – Lions 9:30am- Wolves 10:15am – Tigers 11:00am – Webelos 11:45am – AOL Open immediately after AOL All races will be live streamed via Facebook as well. Look for the Pack 359 Facebook page. Pinewood Derby Awards All awards will be presented Monday night at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary during the Pinewood Derby Award Show. Please wear Class A uniform. Flags Presidents Day is the 21st so either at registration or after your race on Saturday pick up the flags for your route.  

Pinewood Derby Race Details

First off sorry this communication is later then expected. We had to wait on the Basketball Tournament schedule. Registration Registration will be Friday from 6pm-8pm in Pike Hall. Things generally run quicker if parents leave the kids at home for this. Style judging begins at 8pm so try to get to registration earlier rather then later. Race Day  Races will take place den by den in Friendship Hall as follows: 8:00am- Bears 8:45am – Lions 9:30am- Wolves 10:15am – Tigers 11:00am – Webelos 11:45am – AOL Open immediately after AOL All races will be live streamed via Facebook as well. Pinewood Derby Awards All awards will be presented Monday night at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary during the Pinewood Derby Award Show. Please wear Class A…

Important Updates – Please read! Remember – Pinewood Derby weigh in Friday, Race Day Saturday!

Hello all you wonderful BEAR families!! ** Important announcement!! We have some scouts in the Pack that are sick and others involved in the Little Dribblers Basketball playoff games.  JUST get the car to WUMC to get weighed in (6 to 8pm)  IF your Scout can’t be there for Saturday’s races, scout leaders will make sure their car gets to race all 4 races and ALL the races will be live streamed on Facebook.** AWARDS will be passed out at the February Pack Meeting.   Remember to pre register your car for the Pinewood Derby on the pack website  to speed up weigh-in.  If you have problems, they can help at weigh-in to get everyone registered!  Each car has a place for the car’s…