Author: Pack359

Pack Events

Howdy! Be on the look out this week to register for Blue & Gold which is Sunday, April 11 at 4:00. This event is where we celebrate scouting. We are doing a family picnic on the UMC Whitehouse baseball field. The pack will be providing box lunches. Make sure to attend your den meetings and finish up your requirements. Monday Night: Lions – Not Meeting Tigers – Not Meeting Webelos – Friendship Hall Tuesday Night: Wolves– Not Meeting Other upcoming events: Spring Family Camp – Scheduling

Working on “Air of the Wolf” tonight – 6pm at WUMC

Hello Wolf Families!! Tonight we will meet early to work around baseball – 6pm at WUMC in the back fellowship hall.  We will be making and flying some fancy paper airplanes, creating balloon powered vehicles, and doing some outside sound and wind observations.  Should be a fun evening!! As always, arrive when you can – I will be ready for Scouts at 6pm and will work with everyone until the Achievement is complete! Updates – There will NOT be a Pack Meeting next Monday since we are coming up on Blue & Gold early in April – Blue & Gold is where we are officially awarded our Wolf Rank as well as any additional achievements we’ve earned.   ALSO we will NOT meet next week as…

Pack news

Howdy! We are getting closer to Blue & Gold. Make sure to attend your den meetings and finish up your requirements. Monday Night: Lions – outside picnic tables Tigers – Pike Webelos – Friendship Hall Tuesday Night: Wolves- Friendship Hall 6:00 Other upcoming events: Sunday, April 11 at 4:00 Blue and Gold — family picnic Spring Family Camp – Scheduling

Cyber chip at home

Howdy Bears, Today we will not meet in person. We will work on cyber chip at home. If you haven’t earned this requirement before start here: If you have earned it before please pick 2 new movies to watch here :   Upcoming date: Sunday, April 11 at 4:00 Blue and Gold. It will be family picnic. Bring a picnic blanket and outdoor games to share and have fun. The pack will have box lunches. Be on the lookout to register.

Cyber chip at home

Howdy Bears, Today we will not meet in person. We will work on cyber chip at home. If you haven’t earned this requirement before start here: If you have earned it before please pick 2 new movies to watch here :   Upcoming date: Sunday, April 11 at 4:00 Blue and Gold. It will be family picnic. Bring a picnic blanket and outdoor games to share and have fun. The pack will have box lunches. Be on the lookout to register.

AOL Crossover Event

Howdy Scouting Family, It has come to that time of the year when our oldest den, Arrow of Light, crossover to Scouts BSA. This is an exciting time in this groups life. The crossover event is where our AOL crossover from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. Please come this Friday at 5:00 to the UMC Whitehouse field. Bring a lawn chair, wear your scout uniform and watch as the AOL den crossover from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. Yours In Scouting, Kathy

Lion Advancements

Morning Lion Parents, I have updated Scout Book to reflect what I know your child has earned. I would love to see each lion earn their lion neckerchief by Blue & Gold, which is Sunday, April 11. Many still need Mountain Lion and the pamphlet exercise a the beginning of the lion book Please login to your scouts account in Scout Book and under Advancements you can see what they are missing. Happy Scouting! Kathy