Author: Pack359


Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone has a great Christmas tomorrow!   I am writing to update about items to bring to Winter camp December 28, 29, 30th. Arrive at Camp Pirtle BEFORE 7:30 Monday.  I can meet at the church Sunday for gear from 3:00-4:00.  I will be taking a little trailer for gear. 1  WARM CLOTHES!!!! It’s going to be cold (NO SHORTS!!) 2  Bring plenty of socks and clothes to change into if we get wet.  Closed-toe shoes! 3  Make sure that you have warm stuff to sleep in.  Wear socks and warm hats to sleep in. 4  Class A and B. 5  Extra pair of shoes. 6  Day pack or back pack, pocket knife, toiletries, scout book (if you have one), flashlight, water…

Pinewood Derby Build Day Registration

Howdy Scouting Family, Please take the next two week to enjoy your friends and family. We will not be meeting as dens or pack. Now is a great time to work on your Duty to God. Our pinewood derby build day is fast approaching. It is Saturday, January 9 at the church. This year we are doing it a bit differently. In order to social distance we are asking each family to register for a time to attend build day. We ask for only the scout and parent who will assist in building to attend. REGISTER for a spot at build day! Merry Christmas.  

ZOOM! meeting

I am wanting to do a zoom meeting tonight at 6:30.  We will be going over WEBLOS camp and a couple of other things.   I will sent out a code later this afternoon for log on.   Thanks Ryan 903-952-7234


Tonight we will be finishing up Tigers in the Wild! This our last requirement! If you have missed meeting please get with me on what we need to catch up on! After the holidays we will begin electives! Hope to see you all tonight!


Tonight we will be finishing up Tigers in the Wild! This our last requirement! If you have missed meeting please get with me on what we need to catch up on! After the holidays we will begin electives! Hope to see you all tonight!


It’s wet and cold. We are moving inside. Please bring cardboard boxes we can flatten to carve on. No uniform required today. Don’t forget a parent and pocket knife.

Den Meetings

Howdy Scouts, Who’s counting down to Christmas break?! This week is an exciting scouting week. Dens are meeting to close out 2020. This Monday you can come up to the church at 6:30 to pick-up your pinewood derby car or purchase extras for $4. Also, if you purchased pack t-shirts we have them ready for pick-up. Monday Den meeting: Lions – Side by side (bring you can goods) Tigers – Pike Hall Webelos – Friendship Tuesday Den meeting: Wolves Zoom! AOL – see den leader communication for time and zoom login Upcoming Events: January 9th – Pinewood Derby Build Day January 30th – Flag Party February 13th – Pack Pinewood Derby February 27th – District Pinewood Derby See many of you tomorrow!


It’s wet and cold. We are moving inside. Please bring cardboard boxes we can flatten to carve on. No uniform required today. Don’t forget a parent and pocket knife.