Author: Pack359


We will be meeting tomorrow at 6:30 at the church! Family camp is this weekend! If you plan to go please sign up no later than Wednesday! Tomorrow we will discuss meals and needs for family camp! If you have any questions please let me know! A few things to know for family camp: Health Forms need to be turned in! Family camp registration is $20. Breakfast and dinner are provided on Saturday. You will want to bring water. You must wear closed toed shoes at all times. Parents must be able to see their kids at all times. Every camper needs a mess kit and cup. Tobacco is ONLY allowed in the parking lot! A wagon might be helpful as there is a lot of…

Flag Delivery Today

Happy Sunday Morning! We are meeting at the church at 2:30 PM today to deliver flags to our customers. We’ve sold 40 NEW flags since our last deliveries and need all the help we can get. If you haven’t yet, please Sign Up to help deliver flags at For those of you who have volunteered to help stage the flags, please arrive by 2:00 PM. Ryan Bockover will be there to let you know what needs to be done.

Sunday Den Meeting

Howdy, You should have all received the email about flag delivery this Sunday and Fall Family Camp registration. As part of our requirement our den will be placing the flags at the retirement home. I have also requested a neighborhood. We will meet at the church at 2:30 to review how to do flag placement and then drive to location. You must be in your field uniform (blue button down). We will also discuss family camp. Here’s the links again. Veteran’s Day Flag Delivery – We are meeting at the church at 2:30 PM on Sunday, November 8th to deliver flags to our customers. We’ve sold 38 NEW flags since our last deliveries and need all the help we can get. Please Sign Up to help…

Flag Delivery and Family Camp Registration is Open

Howdy Pack! We have 2 upcoming events, and we’d love for your Scout and families to participate 🙂 Veteran’s Day Flag Delivery – We are meeting at the church at 2:30 PM on Sunday, November 8th to deliver flags to our customers. We’ve sold 38 NEW flags since our last deliveries and need all the help we can get. Please Sign Up to help deliver flags at Family Camp Reservations – Our Fall Family camp is NEXT weekend from  Friday, November 13th through Sunday, November 15th at our council’s beautiful George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage. The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. If your family will not be able to stay either night, we’d love for you to come…

Deen meeting

Arrow family   I hope everyone is enjoying this weather.  I wanted to let everyone know that we are going to be meeting this Saturday at the church for a den meeting at 9:30.  Make sure to check weather so you can ware the appropriate clothing.  We will meet by the pavilion.   Have a great week Ryan

REMINDER – NO Den Meeting Tuesday, November 3rd – we met for Pack Meeting AND our Pumpkin Party Last week!!

Hey there Wild and Wooly Wolves – We are NOT meeting this week – we met twice last week, it’s time to enjoy a rest!!  It’s a great time to finish your “God and Me” achievement with your Family and get used to the time change!! Look at the PACK NEWS about our upcoming FAMILY CAMP! Don’t forget – if you and your family have a chance to do a mile hike, do it – and keep an eye out for any wildlife  you might see!!  As cooler weather is coming many local animals are active trying to get in one more meal before the first frost!!

Webelos November Schedule

Hey Hey Webelos! This week we will begin our Cast Iron Chef adventure! We’ll meet tomorrow night outside in the Pavillion (NOT Connor or Fellowship). Here’s our gameplan for the month Nov. 2nd – Fire Building (Activity Shirts and jackets! No Field Uniforms). Nov. 8th – Flag Deliveries Nov. 11th – Planning Menu & Family Camp Q&A Nov. 13-15th – Family Camp @ Camp George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation Nov. 16th – Flag Pickup (No regular Den Meeting) Nov. 23rd – **OFFSITE** Grocery Shopping @ Brookshires in Whitehouse Nov. 30th – Pack Meeting Dec. 5th – 6th – Webelos Den Campout Please let me know if you are planning to attend the Family Campout, Webelos Campout, or both! See ya tomorrow night!

Pack Schedule

Howdy Pack Family, I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather. We are getting closer to our fall family camp. Remember you must turn in Health Forms A&B for every family member camping. Also, all adults (18 or older) must take and complete the YPT online training. Please see below for important date and den meetings: Flag Delivery – Sunday, Nov 8 Sign-up coming later this week Family Camp – Nov 13-15 Flag Pickup – Monday, Nov 16 Meetings Monday 11/2 Webelos – Connor Hall Tigers – Pike Hall Lions – Side by side Meetings Tuesday 11/3 Wolves -Not Meeting Meetings Sunday 11/8 Bears – Picnic Tables AOL – Contact your den leader  

WE are still on for 6pm – or when you can arrive! DO NOT worry if you can’t find a pumpkin…

I have some pumpkins for teams to “share” if you are unable to locate a pumpkin! We are going to be INDOORS – to “drizzley” outside I have Pepperoni & Cheese pizza and cheezy bread so don’t worry about stopping to feed your scout! 400 Gatewood – turn on Hillcreek going east past the high school, then right on Langford, then left on Gatewood – you won’t miss us. See all my wild wolves soon!

Our First Pack Meeting Is Tonight

Howdy Pack! Tonight at 6:30 PM is our first Pack meeting of the year! All of our Cub Scouts should try to attend and wear their Field Uniforms with Neckerchiefs (if you don’t have one yet, please respond to this email and let us know). Scouts will also receive their first round of Flag Sells Prizes!! We have a bit of a surprise for everyone this evening. Our Pack Meeting will take place outside (the rain should have moved on) this evening, either in the field or in the side parking lot depending on the ground. This will allow us to space out appropriately and sit as families instead of Dens. Bring your chairs & blankets and don’t forget your masks (in case we do…