Meeting today!
Reminder we are meeting today. We will finish Baloo the Builder, learn how to fold the flag and start signing up for our bear carnival games. See you at the picnic tables at 3:00.
Reminder we are meeting today. We will finish Baloo the Builder, learn how to fold the flag and start signing up for our bear carnival games. See you at the picnic tables at 3:00.
Remember we meet twice this week – Monday we have our FIRST Pack Meeting AND FIRST WOLF ADVANCEMENTS – be there in uniform at 6:30 at the Whitehouse United Methodist Church. We will be social distancing – at one point we were having this pack meeting outside so if you have lawn chairs or a big blanket toss it into your car just in case. There might be more details coming out tomorrow- Tuesday – 6pm – early so we will still have a little daylight. It’s finally feeling like fall outside – meet at Mrs. Gigi Delk’s house (400 Gatewood drive – past the High School going east, turn on Hillcreek, quick right on Langford, and left on Gatewood) Class B night – no…
Hey there! Have you been asking yourself, “How do we build these Flags” or “I wonder what is Flag Build Day all about?”; Well, you are not alone! We have fielded numerous questions regarding Flag Build Day, so here is exactly what we will be doing and where we need help. Hole Drilling – 2-3 Volunteers. One volunteer will mark the hole locations on the big 10-foot flag poles. Another Volunteer will use a Drill Press to drill the holes. A third volunteer would be beneficial to move & wrangle the long poles. Bolt Cutting – 1 Volunteer needed. We have a metal cutting bandsaw to cut the eye bolts used to attach the flag to the pole and cut the 3″ rebar that we…
AOL Family. We will be meeting at the church this Saturday October 24 at 10am. Please be in Class A. You might also want to bring a camp chair.
Howdy Pack! You all have been selling some flags! We have had over 30 new flags sold since our Labor Day deliveries! That is awesome!! Saturday morning is our Flag Build day. We will have an assembly line setup with 4 different stations that needs at least 2 volunteers per station. We will meet at 9:30 am on the far side of the church parking lot. With enough volunteers, this shouldn’t be longer than 90 minutes. Please bring Water, gloves, eye protection, and reply to this email to let us know you can help. Oh! This also counts towards qualification for the Fall Flag Party! Hope to see you Saturday!
Tonight we will be starting Team Tiger! I will not be there, but Ms Somer will be leading our Tigers! We will focus on earning out Bobcat rank! If your scout has learned and can say (with help if needed) the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Cub Scout handshake, motto, and salute please let me know ASAP! Thank you so much!
Howdy Pack 359, I hope all of you were able to go outside and enjoy the cooler weather this weekend. Please turn in health forms and YPT to your den leaders. Don’t forget you must register you scout for the 2020/2021 year. We need all registration and paperwork finished by the October pack meeting. Below is important information on key dates for your calendars. Flag build day is Saturday, October 24. Our fundraiser to help cover costs for camping, advancements, and trips is our flag service. Come out this Saturday and learn how to build the flags. We have a t-shirt design winner! Winner will be announced at the October pack meeting. You can order your pack pack t-shirt by logging into your scouts account. …
Howdy Wild Webelos! A few quick items: Paperwork – Please turn in your Health Forms and YPT Certificates as soon as you can. Health forms are needed for EVERY person who attends a Pack activity or event. YPT is needed for all Adults. Flag Fundraiser – Our next Flag Service Holiday is Veterans Day and we will be delivering flags on Sunday, November 1st. Scouts can earn awesome prizes as well as qualify for the Flag Party by selling flag services. PLUS this helps keep your cost down as well 🙂 NO MEETING THIS MONDAY! – WISD is out of School so we are not meeting. Enjoy the week off. Pack Meeting – Our next meeting will be a Pack Meeting on October 26th. Watch for…
Howdy Bear Families, This Sunday we will be starting a new belt loop Paws for Action. We will be meeting at Camp Ford, 6500 US-271, Tyler, TX 75708, at 3:00. Please wear your Field Uniform (blue button down shirts). Regards, Kathy
Howdy Den 7, Saturday we will be meeting at 9:30 at Whitehouse City Park. We will be starting an elective, Aware and Care, by playing several games. Please bring the following (some are quite strange): 1. a blindfold for scouts 2. 2 hardboiled eggs with the shells still on 3. Pair of swim goggles if you have them 4. CANNED GOODS! We are collecting food for the Whitehouse Food Pantry, most needed items are Mac and cheese, peanut butter, shelf stable milk, chili, and tuna. 5. A bottle of water, you may get thirsty with all the running around we will be doing! Mr. Ryan will be out of town so Mr. Brian will be running the meeting and Ms. Amanda will be teaching you…