
Cub Scouts – Den Meetings Nov 18th

Howdy Pack! Thank you all for attending last week’s Veterans Program and Flag Retirement. Tonight, we’ll resume our regularly scheduled Den Meetings. Lions – 6:30 PM in the Friendship Hall KitchenTigers – 6:30 PM in Conner HallWolves – 6:30 PM in Pike HallBears – Tuesday at 6:30 PM in Conner HallWebelos – 6:30 PM in Discovery RoomAOL – Tuesday at 6:30 PM in Friendship Hall See you all this week!

Meeting Tonight

Hello Webelos Families! We are meeting tonight at 6:30pm in the Discovery Room! This is a room next to Pike Hall- don’t worry, Courtney and I will be around to help you find the room!  We are going to start working on our Personal Fitness Requirement where we learn about hazardous items, safety and natural disasters. One part of personal safety, we would like for the kids to do at home with you. It is a video about personal protection. Here is the link.  We’ll also be introducing Family and Reverence. This is an activity for you to do with your cub scout at home. Here is a link to the requirements. When you have completed them, please let Courtney or I know. Family and…

Meeting tonight

Hey Lions! We will be meeting tonight at the church in the kitchen in Friendship Hall at 6:30 (this is the room in the very back where voting takes place). We will continue working on our Fun on the Run adventure – talking about the five basic food groups and handwashing. If you are able, please have your scout bring their favorite healthy snack to share with the den. If anyone has food allergies let me know in advance. See you all tonight!   Nicole 210-865-2712

Model of home for meeting Monday

Please be sure your scout brings a model of their home made from recyclable materials to the meeting Monday, along with any extra materials you may have.  We will build a model of a building in our community and put the houses together to make a neighborhood!  Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.  

Tiger Meeting at the Veterans Memorial!

Heya Tigers! Tonight, in place of our traditional pack meeting, our Scouts are invited to the Veterans Ceremony at the Whitehouse Veterans Memorial (corner of 346 and HWY 110) at 6:30 PM. Landon Beaton from Troop 359 will host this ceremony as his Eagle Scout project. He has invited our Cub Scout Pack to come out and participate in passing out stars to our veterans and assisting with Flag Retirement. If your scout will be attending and would like to get credit for their service project and participate, they MUST be in CLASS A UNIFORMS. PLEASE BRING CHAIRS FOR YOU AND YOUR SCOUT! We hope to see you there!

Pack Meeting Tonight at Veteran’s Memorial

Hello Wolves!       Tonight in place of our traditional pack meeting our Scouts are invited to the Veterans Ceremony at the Whitehouse Veterans Memorial (corner of 346 and HWY 110) at 6:30 PM.  Landon Beaton from Troop 359 will be hosting this ceremony as his Eagle Scout project. He has invited our Cub Scout Pack to come out and participate in passing out stars to our veterans and assisting with Flag Retirement.  If your scout will be attending and would like to get credit for their service project and participate, they MUST be in CLASS A UNIFORMS. PLEASE BRING CHAIRS FOR YOU AND YOUR SCOUT!   We hope to see you there!

Veterans Day Pack Meeting

Good Morning Scout Families and Happy Veterans Day to all of our parents who have fought for and served our country! In case you have not yet received word from your Den Leader, tonight in place of our traditional pack meeting our Scouts are invited to the Veterans Ceremony at the Whitehouse Veterans Memorial (corner of 346 and HWY 110) at 6:30PM. Landon Beaton from Troop 359 will be hosting this ceremony as his Eagle Scout project and has invited our Cub Scout Pack to come out and participate with passing out stars to our Veterans and assisting with the Flag Retirement. Be sure to bring a chair so that we can keep our seating reserved for our veterans and community members If your scout…