
Pack on hold for 2 weeks

Howdy Wolves, Our pack and district have put all activities on hold for the next two weeks. This means district pinewood derby isn’t happening March 21. If a new date is set I will let you know. Look at the electives in the back of your books and have fun making paper airplanes or building boats! Stay active but follow the scout law and be clean. Wash you hands. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Yours in Scouting, Kathy

Meeting and District PWD info

Howdy Pack 359, Due to the recent events and outbreak of COVID-19 the East Texas Area Council has decided to suspend all district and council events for the next 2 weeks.  This impacts district Pinewood Derby originally set to take place March 21st.  The hope is that these events will be rescheduled for a later date but that yet to be determined. In an abundance of caution and to protect our scouts and families Pack 359 will be cancelling all meetings for the next 2 weeks.  Please work on any needed advancements at home and communicate with your den leader.  We will be in contact with any further information. Yours in Scouting, Somer Bockover Cubmaster

Meeting update and District Pinewood Derby has been Postponed….

Hi Tiger Team!!  We had a great time at Arkansas Bend, and I saw a lot of fun goings-on with you guys and your families over spring break as well! With all the craziness over the COVID-19 flu virus and because we are coming off a camping weekend, we will NOT meet this coming Monday, March 16th.  The Pack is going to send out more information shortly – I know TJC and UT Tyler cancelled classes for the next week and are going online for at least a week after that just to be on the safe side… We hope this all “blows over” quickly!! Stay healthy and wash you hands!!! Other Updates – District Pinewood Derby has been postponed – they hope to hold…

Remember – We are learning about and cracking open some GEODES tonight in the back Fellowship Hall

Hi Tiger Team!! Just a quick reminder – we will be on the floor tonight cracking our geodes! Bring a hammer, flat head screwdriver and/or chisel (bring several if you have them) and towels.  I have a geode for each scout to crack – you provide the labor! LOL See everyone tonight!!!

Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359, Tomorrow we have den meetings for some dens. Lions-normal lion room wear a shoe that ties Tigers-Fellowship hall Wolves-not meeting Bears-Seekers class Webelos-Not meeting, work on duty to God and Stronger, Faster, Higher AOL-Pike hall  

3/2/2020 Elective!

Tomorrow we will be working on our I’ll Do It Myself elective! Please bring or let your Lion wear a shoe that ties! If you cant let me know and I will bring an extra! Kendra Nash Lion Leader   903-570-7011


Lions will be meeting tomorrow and working on an elective! If you have not done so already I need everyone to complete the Protect Yourself requirement with your scout. You can use this video or there is a pamphlet! I suggest you view the video first and use your own judgement as to what you think your child needs to know about! We need to have this completed by the March Pack Meeting so that all have reached their Lion rank. When this is completed let me know and I can mark it done for them or you can enter it into scoutbook! Thanks so much for all you do! See you all tomorrow!

This Sunday, March 1

Howdy Wolves, Tomorrow we are meeting at Faulkner park at 2:00. Those who missed our family camp this is your make-up day!! Woohoo. We will meet at the hiking trail. Amelia, Andrew, and Noah please try and make this event. Bring the following: 6 Essentials to scouting Snack Water bottle Fishing gear, if you want to fish We will hike, play on the playground and fish. This is a family activity. It should be a beautiful afternoon. See everyone tomorrow at 2:00. We will not meet on Monday. Kathy

REMINDER – NO Den Meeting Monday, February 24th – we had a busy, busy Saturday with Pinewood Derby!!!

Hello Tiger Team!!  Just a reminder that they announced that there would be no den meetings on Monday at Pinewood Derby on Saturday – since not everyone was able to attend, I wanted to be sure to spread the word! Be working on knowing your family home address and at least one parent’s phone number and look up GEODES so you’ll know what we will be working on for March 2nd!!!  

Flag Pick up–DELAYED

Flag pick up has been delayed until tomorrow afternoon due to the weather.  We do not have space for all of the flags to dry out.  Please sign up if you can help out tomorrow at 6:00.  I realize this is early but we need to get it done before dark.  We really need lots of help to get it done before dark.  There will not be any den meetings tomorrow night unless specified by your den leader.