
Scout Sunday and Flag Delivery

Howdy Pack 359, Tomorrow is Scout Sunday at Whitehouse United Methodist Church.  Please join us at 9:00 for worship and fellowship in class A uniform.  We will sit as a group but please sit next to your scout.  There will be a pancake breakfast following the service in the Fellowship Hall.   Flag Delivery is tomorrow as well, we need people to help with delivery, please sign up here to help out. We are usually done in about an hour if we have enough helping hands. Every Scout participating will receive 10 Blue Points which can be used for Spring Camping events. Delivery will begin around 11:30ish depending on the completion of the pancake breakfast. Yours in Scouting, Somer Bockover


Scout Sunday: This Sunday, we will join all of the scouting groups at Whitehouse United Methodist as we worship and fellowship together.  If possible, please be at the church at 9:00 in uniform on Sunday.  We will be participating in some capacity with the Boy Scout Troop.  Please sit as a family but within the group overall.  Following the service (begins at 9:30), there will be a pancake breakfast cooked and served by the Troop.   I know some of you have responsibilities with your  home churches, but if you are able to bring your scout there will be a “really cool patch” for participation.   Flag Delivery: Following breakfast (around 11:30ish), we will be delivering flags to our Flag Customers for President’s Day.  If you cannot make…

[Critical Information] Upcoming Events

Howdy Pack 359, Last night was our monthly committee meeting, and we nailed down several details on upcoming events.  Please read all of the following information. Scout Sunday: This Sunday, we will join all of the scouting groups at Whitehouse United Methodist as we worship and fellowship together.  If possible, please be at the church at 9:00 in uniform on Sunday.  We will be participating in some capacity with the Boy Scout Troop.  Please sit as a family but within the group overall.  Following the service (begins at 9:30), there will be a pancake breakfast cooked and served by the Troop. Flag Delivery: Following breakfast (around 11:30ish), we will be delivering flags to our Flag Customers for President’s Day.  If you cannot make it to…

Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359, Go Chiefs!  Tomorrow we will have den meetings at 6:30 see below for den assignments.  Look for an email tomorrow for upcoming events.  Keep working on those Pinewood derby cars! AOL: off site see den leader Webelos: Fellowship hall Bears: Pike Hall Wolves: Gaga pit Tigers: Discovery room Lions: Regular Lion room

Monday Den meeting

Howdy Wolves, Tomorrow night please let me know any requirement you have finished at home. I went over with many of you what your scout is missing. We will be starting the Paws of Skill elective. Be ready for some outdoor fun. We will meet at the Gaga pit. Wear class B with tennis shoes. A few of you asked about how to polish your tires and axles at home. Bob is coming to show you. Bring you axles and tires and he will walk you through the process. We won’t have time to do everyones but one lucky person will get at least something started. Yours in Scouting, Kathy

Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359, I enjoyed seeing all the scouts that came to build day to make their cars. There is some stiff competition this year!  Tomorrow we will have den meetings please see below for room assignments. Lions: Not meetings Tigers: Discovery room Wolves: upstairs (pick a room) Bears: upstairs (pick a room) Webelos: Pike Hall AOL: meeting Tuesday, details from den leader    

PineWood Derby BUILD DAY is TODAY (Saturday 1/25)

If you want help cutting out your car, getting the wheels set level, or just want a few hints, come to BUILD DAY!!  If you missed the Pack Meeting, cars were handed out to all the boys, but they have a list of those who could not make it and can get you a car today – so come on out!!  Pack 359 Build Day is the best way to get from a block of wood to a car that can be sanded, painted and ready to race!!! Come to Whitehouse United Methodist between 9-2 to work on your race car – this is come-and-go, to work around basketball, sports, soccer, and all the other things our scouts are involved in.  The equipment and helpers…

Pinewood Derby Build Day

Hello all! Tomorrow is the day!  Pinewood Derby build day that is.  Come to Whitehouse United Methodist between 9-2 to build your race car.  We will be in the back room (fellowship hall).  Bring your car, scout, and ideas!  The AOL den will be selling breakfast and snacks, cards accepted.  This is a come and go event so if you cannot be there at a specific time just come when you can.


This Saturday we will be having our 1st hike! We will meet at 2:00 at UT Tyler by the tennis courts. Be sure and bring a bag for your kiddo with the 6 essentials we discussed in last Monday night’s meeting. Be sure and have a whistle so we can practice SAW! 6 essentials: water bottle, trail food, sun/weather protection, first aid kit, flashlight, and whistle! thank you for all you do! PS if you cannot make it let me know! Kendra Nash 903 570 7011