
Spring Family Camp and our change to a TIGER DEN is THIS WEEKEND!!

Howdy LIONS!! I have tomato plants and pots for our Lions to plant for their final elective! We will be planting our tomatoes Saturday evening at Family Camp – We start Finals this week at TJC so I can’t meet on Monday, but we have Family camp coming up this week and will meet there!!!! Spring family camp is this coming weekend, May 3-5. This is when we do our neckerchief changing ceremony and our last event of the school year. I know this is a terrifically busy time, but this is when our boys will be receiving their TIGER neckerchiefs and complete our last elective, so try to come out for the evening meal, activities, and the campfire ceremony!!! I AM GOING TO GO…

Family Camp

Spring family camp is this coming weekend, May 3-5. This is when we do our neckerchief changing ceremony and our last event of the school year. Please go to the link and sign up if you plan on coming. If you can’t come camp come put just for campfire and neckerchief changing (you will need to purchase your new neckerchief and slide). The cost for camp is $10 per family and 2 meals will be served.

Sign up!!!

Howdy, Webelos Family!!! I need you to sign up for Family Camp, May 3-5. Go to to register and pay online. Cost is $10/family. Also, sign up for Webelos Camp!! June 9-13 at Camp Pirtle…..drop him off and let him enjoy a week as a Boy Scout….go to to pay online…..use the code CAMP19 to get the discount……I have to have numbers now so I can pay the scout office..after May 1, you will have to register your Scout and pay full price at $150. Thanks!!!

REMINDER: Pack 359 Garage Sale

Howdy, Pack 359 Family, Our Pack Garage Sale is this Saturday, 4/27/19 at the Whitehouse UMC from 7 am to 1pm. All proceeds benefit our Pack for expenses throughout the year. Please bring your garage sale items this Friday, between 5-6:30 pm, to the Fellowship Hall at Whitehouse UMC. Still looking for volunteers for Saturday to help man the Garage Sale. Thanks for all you do! I have attached the information so you can share with friends, family, etc. Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips  GS Flyer.GIF  

Pack 359 Yard Sale Help Needed!!!

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!! Sorry for the late notice, but…… you need to get rid of some things at your house that may turn into someone else’s treasures????? Our Pack will be holding a Yard Sale this Saturday, April 27 from 7 am to 1 pm at the Whitehouse United Methodist Church (where we meet). You can drop off items this Friday evening from 5-6:30 pm at the church Fellowship Hall. We will be there so you can drop off items, and price them if you want. All proceeds will go to the Pack to help offset costs of Scouting throughout the year. We also need volunteers for Saturday to help man the Yard Sale. We need volunteers from each Den to step up and…

LIONS will not meet Monday, April 22

Howdy LIONS!! We will not meet Monday 4/22. We only have one elective not completed – “Ready, Set, Grow” – where the boys talk about where the food we eat comes from and we plant a container garden – probably tomato plants or banana peppers. Does anyone have a contact with our local Brookshires or a local nursery? While completing ALL electives is totally optional, it would be nice to get them all. TEXT ME -903-574-3787 and let me know if you are coming out to Family Camp (to camp, for the day, or just for the neckerchief ceremony) and let me know if you have a Brookshires or nursery contact. FAMILY CAMP COMING UP -SIGN UP!! I AM GOING TO PICK UP TIGER NECKERCHIEFS…

Den Meetings and Other Info

Happy Easter Everyone! Sorry about the weird email a few days ago but I'm still trying to figure out this system and apparently when you send emails too close together only the last one goes out.  Oooops! Here is the original message:  Greetings from your new Cub master! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weekend.  Below you will find a link to sign up for Spring Family Camp May 3-5 at Pirkey Environmental Park in Hallsville.  There will be a $10 per family non-refundable deposit to help offset the cost of food.  2 meals will be served, pancake breakfast Saturday morning, and BBQ Saturday for dinner.  Please sign up by May 1st to ensure we have enough food.  Remember, this is the camp out…

Den Meeting, Monday 4/22

Happy Easter, Webelos Family!! We will have a meeting tomorrow at 6:30 pm at the church….we are having a guest speaker so I ask that everyone come in Field (Class A) uniform. Also, remember to sign up for Webelos Camp at See you tomorrow evening.

Webelos Camp!!

Howdy, Webelos Family!!! Webelos Camp is Sunday, June 9 – Thursday, June 13 at Camp Pirtle near Carthage. Go to to register and pay online. Use coupon code CAMP19 for discount rate. You can only use this once, for Webelos Camp or Day Camp. I have to register everyone by May 1 for the discounted rate. Sign up your Scout for some summer fun!!!

Spring Family Camp

Greetings from your new Cubmaster! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weekend.  Below you will find a link to sign up for Spring Family Camp May 3-5 at Pirkey Environmental Park in Hallsville.  There will be a $10 per family non-refundable deposit to help offset the cost of food.  2 meals will be served, pancake breakfast Saturday morning, and BBQ Saturday for dinner.  Please sign up by May 1st to ensure we have enough food.  Remember, this is the camp out when your scout receives his new rank neckerchief so be sure to go by the scout shop and pick those up prior to family camp. Click here to sign up Happy for this new Adventure! Yours in Scouting, Somer Bockover