
1/21/19 Meeting

We will finish up 1st Responder tomorrow. Please remember Duty to God and also the requirements needed to complete Stronger Faster Higher. Don’t forget those Pamphlet exercises as well. Thanks!

January 18th campout with Troop356

The campout with Troop 356 is this weekend. The Boy Scouts will be there on Friday night, they will leave Lanes Chaple church at 5:30 pm on Friday if you want to go early. Saturday the 19th I will be leaving early in the morning with several AOl scouts to have breakfast with the Troop. We will be going on a five mile hike and other activities. Campsite is Purtiss Creek State Park at 14225 FM316, Eustace TX. It will be cold so bring warm clothes, camp chair, mess kit for eating (all persons), water, water bottles, camp cup, tents, sleeping bag and what ever else you may need. Food will be provided. Boys will be cooking for all campers.Contact me if you need any…

Meeting Info for 1/14/19

Happy Sunday, Pack 359 Family! I hope everyone was able to get a headstart on their PWD cars on Saturday!!!  A special thanks to all the awesome leaders and parents who volunteered their time. Here are the room assignments for Monday's Den Meetings: 1.  Lions – Choir Room 2.  Tigers – Discovery Room 3.  Wolves – Side by Side Room 4.  Bears – Pike Hall 5.  Webelos – Fellowship Hall 6.  AOL – Sanctuary Please make sure you're meeting with your Scout's leaders to ensure you're completing requirements toward advancement. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Tomorrow and other info

Good Afternoon, Tomorrow we will be doing Super Science, due to the risk of staining please wear class b and bring an old oversized t-shirt. Also, the next 4 Monday meetings will be working on Bear Claws (minus the Pack Meeting). This is a REQUIRED adventure for the Bear advancement. We will not offer any make up meetings for these and due to the nature of this advancement I will not approve any that are not done in observance of a trained Cub Scout leader so it is imperative that your son is in attendance for the next month’s meetings. Please let me know if you have any questions. Your in Scouting, Mrs. Somer

Den Meeting, 1/14/19

We will be working on our First Responder Adventure at Monday’s Den Meeting. Please review the requirements today. Also, don’t forget to your exercise calendar for the Stronger Higher Faster adventure. Thanks for all you do! See you tomorrow.

Monday meeting

AOL Parents congratulation on our first fundraiser. We had total sales of $168.00 dollars. Not to bad for a derby build day. This coming monday we are working on requirements #1D, 1E, #6 and the Troop level activities from requirement #4 that some of the boys attented this weekend. Please have the boys prepared before hand; we have a lot to cover. Our next fundraise will be pizza and drinks at the derby weigh/sign-in night. More to come. Thanks for all your help, Den5 leader Bob Prince d

First Fundraiser was great / Upcoming requirements

AOL Parents/Scouts we had a great first fundraiser. Total sales for the day reached $168.00 dollars. If you look at what was donated versus total sales, we made around $100.00 profit. Next fundraiser (pizza and drinks) is at the derby weight/check in of cars. Monday January 14th requirements to be covered are #1d, #1E, #6. Please have your scouts prepared. Any scouts who have attended troop level activities please let me know so I can mark them off, and we can discuss their activites and what they learned at the den meeting. Thanks for all your help, Den5 leader Bob Prince

Homework / Build day

Howdy Tigers, This Saturday is our pinewood derby build day. Please see pack email for all the details. Don’t forget your tiger should be making up a fun game to teach the other tigers on Monday night. See page 39 in your tiger books. Yours In Scouting, Kathy