
February requirements and Crossover

Thanks to everyone who made it to tonights meeting; with that said there are several key announcements that need to be addressed. 1) We will not official meet the month of February for den meetings but all should try and show for the pack meeting at the end of the month. 2) The boys should spend their time visiting troops and learn about how they operate. Requirement #2 in Scouting Adventure has the questions that they should be asking. 3) All requirements must be completed by the end of February for the boys to crossover. I will be available to help any scout who needs assisstance. Do not hesitate to call if help is needed. 4) Due to obligations for the Crossover ceremony and scouting…

Pack Meeting, Monday 1/28/19

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! Tomorrow at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary is our January Pack Meeting.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  NO hats please. Please get to working on those PWD cars as the derby is right around the corner. Thanks for all you do!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Monday 1/21 Meeting

Hello Tigers! Tonight we will be working on cyber chip! It is a requirement that we will do each year as a cub scout. It is great information about being safe on the internet. If you have a laptop and wouldn’t mind bringing it that would be awesome. I am bringing mine. Games. A few missed last week. If you are one of those please bring your game to play tonight. Missing requirements. We are starting the final push to earning our Tiger Rank but some are missing requirements. I will have printouts to review your sons status tonight. Yours In Scouting! Kathy


Good Evening, Tomorrow we will begin our Bear Claws advancement. This is an important advancement as it teaches our boys knife safety. Tomorrow will be a mandatory meeting and will not be offered as a make up. Also, due to the nature of this meeting all boys will need a parent or other responsible adult with them at all times during the meeting. Your son will also need to bring a pocket knife with a locking blade and a sharpening stone. We will have a few extras so if you cannot bring one please let me know ASAP before the meeting. Please remind your son of the need to listen and pay attention tomorrow. This meeting poses a safety risk and horseplay of any kind…

Den Meetings for Monday, 1/21/19 @ 6:30 pm

Howdy, Pack 359 Family! I hope your PWD derby cars are coming along.  We have extra cars and weights that will be available at Monday's meetings. Meeting Locations: 1.  Lions – Choir Room 2.  Tigers – Discovery Room 3.  Wolves – Side by Side Room 4,  Bears – Pike Hall 5.  Webelos – Conner Hall 6.  AOL – Sanctuary REMINDERS: 1.  Pinewood Derby – Saturday, Feb 16 at Pollard UMC.  Car check-in is the evening before. 2.  District Pinewood Derby – Saturday, March 2 at Green Acres Baptist Church.  This will be for the top 2 winners in each den for Speed and Style. 3.  Spring Break Trop – March 9-12 at Lake Eufala in Oklahoma.  More details to follow. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

1/21/19 Meeting

We will finish up 1st Responder tomorrow. Please remember Duty to God and also the requirements needed to complete Stronger Faster Higher. Don’t forget those Pamphlet exercises as well. Thanks!

January 18th campout with Troop356

The campout with Troop 356 is this weekend. The Boy Scouts will be there on Friday night, they will leave Lanes Chaple church at 5:30 pm on Friday if you want to go early. Saturday the 19th I will be leaving early in the morning with several AOl scouts to have breakfast with the Troop. We will be going on a five mile hike and other activities. Campsite is Purtiss Creek State Park at 14225 FM316, Eustace TX. It will be cold so bring warm clothes, camp chair, mess kit for eating (all persons), water, water bottles, camp cup, tents, sleeping bag and what ever else you may need. Food will be provided. Boys will be cooking for all campers.Contact me if you need any…