
Spaghetti Bridge – Engineering Pin

Webelos and Parents we will complete the second half of the engineering pin by building spaghetti bridges. The spaghetti has been purchased by your den leader. Each Scout owes .75 cents for the spaghetti and the hot glue. I will have a parent collect the money and mark it with the attendance sheet. I have a total of four hot glue guns for the project, at least two more for a total of six would be ideal. If you have one/some please bring to the meeting. Boys will be given their advancement awards at the end of the meeting along with a update about the makeup date for the hiking requirement. Thanks for all that you do, Den5 leader Bob Prince

Spring Agenda/Monday Meeting

Good Evening, On Monday we will be meeting at the fire department in Whitehouse. We will be bringing pizza for the firefighters and talking about how they serve our community. Please ask you scout to provide one question to ask about service to our community. Also, bring $3 to help cover the cost of pizza, drinks, and dessert. Below you will find a link to the google doc for our Spring agenda and timeline of events. If you have any questions please e-mail or text me.

Scout Sunday, 2/11/18

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Scout Sunday is a recognized national BSA day where we show our appreciation for our charter organization by attending Sunday church service. I know the calendar says Feb. 4, but this is NOT true for us!!! Our chartered organization, Whitehouse United Methodist Men, prefers to have Scout Sunday on the 2nd Sunday of February. So, with that being said, Scout Sunday for us will be Sunday, February 11. The Whitehouse UMC service starts at 9:30 am. Uniform is Field (Class A). Please come out Sunday, February 11, to show your support and appreciation to the organization that allows us to use their facilities. Let’s have a strong showing on February 11!!!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Pack Meeting, 1/29/2018

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Monday, 1/29/18, at 6:30 pm is our 1st Pack Meeting of 2018.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  No hats please as we will be meeting in the church sanctuary. IMPORTANT:  The Tiger Den is collecting canned foods for a food drive/community service project.  Please try to bring canned foods to tomorrow’s meeting.  This will be the last time we collect it. Upcoming Dates: 1.  Pinewood Derby – Saturday, Feb. 17 at Pollard UMC in Tyler.  We will have a required registration/weigh-in on Friday, Feb. 16 at Pollard.  Get busy working on those cars!! 2.  Spring Break Trip – Saturday, March 10 through Wednesday, March 14.  As the date approaches, we will have an informational meeting to discuss logistics and complete Health Forms, as AB&C will need…


Happy Tuesday Webelos parents. What a great night of learning last night. It seemed like all our scouts perked up during the guest lecture on engineering. I can’t wait in two weeks when he comes back and we get hands on with bridge building. I was reviewing scout book and adding a few more advancements that parents discussed with me or Bob last night. I noticed many are missing one or two requirements. Bob printed off a list for each scout on missing requirements before Christmas. Please reference that sheet and work to get your scout caught up. We would love to have all the Webelos receive rank at Blue & Gold. Regards, Kathy Prince

Monday Night

Please wear your Class A uniform tomorrow night. We are starting the engineering elective and Mr. Fritter is bringing a guest speaker. If you have completed Duty to God and You please log it in Scout book or let Mr. Bob know and he will log it after the meeting tomorrow night. Cyber Chip and pamphlet exercises are also needed to be done at home. Please get with Mr. Bob or Mrs. Bob if you have questions on these two activities. If you have completed them please let us know so we can log it in Scoutbook. Yours in Scouting, Kathy Prince

Meeting Locations January 22

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Here are the room assignments for Monday, 1/22/18 at 6:30 pm. Tigers – Side by Side classroom Wolves – Discovery Room Bears – Fellowship Hall Webelos – Pike Hall AOL – Tuesday with Boy Scouts We will have PWD cars available for pick-up and purchase ($4) in Pike Hall. See you tomorrow! Yours in Scouting, Jason Beaton Committee Chairman

Meeting tonight

Happy MLK day. Some of us are working and others get a nice day off. Go out and enjoy the sun. We are meeting tonight. We have a guest speaker to finish up Aware and Care. Please be on time and wear your class A uniform. The weather shouldn’t be a factor tonight. We are monitoring it closely. It might be cold but not freezing. The email about spring break camp has gone out. Please refer to it for information about reserving your spot and costs. Regards, Kathy