
Spring Break Campout Sign-up!

Here it is Pack 359 Family!!! The long-awaited sign-up for the Spring Break trip. Where: Berry Springs Park in Georgetown, TX Dates: Saturday, March 10 – Wednesday, March 14 Cost: $20 per family (NONREFUNDABLE) Limitations: We will take reservations for the 1st 20 families that sign up as space in limited. We could open up more spaces depending on numbers. Each campsite (we have reserved all 17) is limited to 8 campers and 2 tents. How do you sign up: More information at this link. We ask that you try to pay online through PayPal. It’s secure!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Den Meetings for Monday, 1/15/18

Howdy, Pack 359 Family! I hope everyone that came out Saturday for PWD Build Day got a good head start on their cars! Some dens are meeting tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm although school is out for MLK day. Tigers – Discovery Room Wolves – NOT MEETING Bears – Pike Hall Webelos – Conner Hall AOL – meet Tuesdays with the Boy Scout troop Please be on the lookout for the Spring Break camping trip sign-up later today. Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

PWD Build Day Tomorrow!

Hello, Pack 359 Family, Tomorrow, Saturday, January 13, from 9 am – 2 pm is our official PWD Build Day. Location is the Fellowship Hall at Whitehouse UMC. I have attached the rules and regulations once again for everyone to review. These are strictly followed and not adhering to the rules will disqualify you from racing. We will have the cars there for purchase if you desire to compete in the OPEN derby. Please bring your car if you already picked yours up. There is a method to tomorrow’s madness. 1. Pick out a template and cut out the template. Trace template onto the car. You’ll want to trace the template upside down for axle drilling. We do not use the precut axles that are…

Meeting tonight

Reminder that we are having our first den meeting of the year tonight at 6:30. Please bring: Lion workbook and glue sticks. If anyone has an American flag it would be helpful with tonights activity. I will bring the paper for the boys to make their own flags.


All boys need their neckerchief for the activity tonight. If you have: goggles (we can smear with petroleum jelly) or oven mitts or ear protection please bring it We have 2 families bringing crutches. Regards, Kathy Prince

Den Meeting Locations, 1/8/18

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Time for meetings to start back up. Here are the room assignments for Monday, 1/8/18 at 6:30 pm. Tigers – Side by Side classroom Wolves – Discovery Room Bears – Fellowship Hall Webelos – Pike Hall AOL – Youth Room We will have PWD cars available for pick-up and purchase ($4) in Pike Hall. See you tomorrow! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Meetings and the Spring Line-up

Hello, Pack 359 Family, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!! I hope you’re putting the kids to work at home while they’re on break. Den meetings will resume Monday, January 8 at 6:30 pm at the church. We only have 3 available Den meetings until the Pack meeting at the end of January Here is the line-up for Spring: PWD Build Day – Saturday, January 13 from 9 am to 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall at the church. This is an excellent way to get a head start on your PWD cars. We will have stations for sawing, drilling, sanding, filing, etc. Please see attachment. University of Scouting – Saturday, January 27 at the Palestine Junior High. A full day of Scouting…

Monday Meeting – needing items

Our first den meeting of 2018 is this coming Monday. Kathy will be leading the boys in the Aware and Care elective. We are in need of a few items. EVERY scout needs to bring a blind fold (scout neckerchief will work). Please email Kathy,, if you can bring any of the following: oven mitts (pair), crutches or a cane (something kids can use), goggles (we will smear with petroleum jelly), and ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones. Also, be ready to help lead in the breakout groups. We will be simulating different impairments and discussing being understanding and accepting of peoples differences. (DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL AS IT GOES TO OUTER SPACE AND ONLY ALIENS READ IT)