
Fall Family Camp is Tomorrow!!

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Fall Family Camp is tomorrow.  Please see previous email regarding directions, itinerary, health forms and consent forms.   Please watch the weather.  It's supposed to be cooler this weekend.  Blankets would probably not be a bad idea.  All vehicles to be moved to the parking lot after unloading. Remember, if you must smoke, you will need to go to the parking lot. Please keep an eye on your Scouts/kids this weekend.  We are expecting a good turnout.   Also, a Cub Scout Pack from Hallsville will be there Saturday to Sunday.  We will need to make room for them and be on our best Scouting behavior. Please travel safely. Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Veterans’ Day Programs

Good morning, Pack 359 Family, Cain, Higgins, and Brown Elementaries will be performing Veterans' Day Programs this week.  We have been asked to lead the flag ceremonies for the programs.  If your Scout wants to participate, have him wear his Field (Class A) uniform to the school on the appropriate day.  I don't recommend wearing the slide and neckerchief all day as it will be lost.  You can put it in a ziploc baggie in your Scout's backpack.   Program Dates/Times: Cain – Wednesday, November 8 at 8:30 am Higgins – Thursday, November 9 at 1:30 pm Brown – Friday, November 10 at 8:30 am Sorry, Stanton-Smith.  Your Scout must wear his Uniform to participate at the program. Have a fantastic day! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Den Meetings and FALL FAMILY CAMP!!

Hello, Pack 359 Family!!  I hope all Cowboys Overnighter particpants had a great time!! Fall Family Camp is upon us, one of my favorite events of the year!!!   LET YOUR DEN LEADER KNOW HOW MANY OF YOUR FAMILY PLANS TO ATTEND! * Campout date is Friday, November 10th through Sunday, November 12th at Pirkey Environmental Park near Hallsville, TX (directions attached). If you can't make it Friday, come Saturday!!!  If you can't camp at all, come out Saturday for the day and campfire.  * The Pack will provide meals for Saturday morning and evening.  Parents/Dens will be responsible for Friday night, Saturday lunch, and Sunday breakfast. For Friday, most families will stop and eat on the way to camp. For Saturday lunch and Sunday breakfast, it can be as simple as a sandwich or a meal prepared and shared with your Den (please check with your…

Cast Iron Chef shopping requirement

Hey scouting families. Monday November 6, 2017 we will be meeting at the Whitehouse Brookshire’s parking lot at 6:30 pm for our shopping portion of the Cast Iron Chef requirement. Go over with your boys Requirement 3 (pg.44-45) so they will understand how to properly plan for a balanced meal. Also, I will be handing out awards from last weeks pack meeting. See you all tomorrow. Den5 leader Bob Prince.

Cowboys Overnighter Tomorrow!!

Hello, all Overnighter Participants!! Please see previous email regarding details of the overnighter.  Remember, you will need to find me or Anne near Entry A to get your tickets.  Don’t go to the box office. If you have a Pack T-shirt, please wear it tomorrow, Friday.  We want to stand out in the crowd. Have a great Thursday! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Cowboys Overnight Information

Hello to all Cowboys Overnight Participants!!!  Bring your Health Forms for all participants! Parking Park in LOT 1 or LOT 2 located off of Randol Mill Rd. Parking is FREE. Ticket Pick Up Anne and I will have the tickets near Entry A for you.  You will not be able to pick them up from the Box Office since we reserved as a large group.  We will check you off the list once you get your tickets. Enter You will enter in through Entry A. Doors will open at 7:00pm. What to bring? You can bring a tent, cot, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, air mattress (manual or battery pump), pillows and blankets. Footballs, Soccer balls, frisbees are allowed. All bags will be checked by security…

Pack Meeting

Pack Meeting starts at 6:30 tomorrow at the church. We are responsible for the flag ceremony. I need some Scouts to show up early (6:00) to help with the ceremony. If I can get at least seven boys to help it would be great. Any boy who cannot help this time will have several opportunities through out the year to be apart of the process. Class A uniforms please. Thanks always for your support. Den5 leader Bob Prince

Pack Meeting, Monday, October 30

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Tomorrow will be a Pack Meeting at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary.  Uniform is full Field (Class A) uniform.  No hats in the church please.  After the meeting, the Bear Den will be holding their Great Bear Carnival in the Fellowship Hall.  You will also be able to pick up ordered shirts and make payments for shirts/recharter/Cowboys. I will send out a separate, detailed email regarding the participants for the Cowboys overnighter, Nov 3.  This will include times and what to bring. Please let your den leaders know if your family plans to attend Fall Family Camp, Nov 10-12.  We need a headcount as the Pack will cover breakfast and dinner on Saturday, as well as S'mores! Thanks for all…

Bear Carnival Tomorrow, October 30

Hello, Bear Family!!! Just a friendly reminder of the Great Bear Carnival tomorrow evening following the Pack Meeting. Location will be the Fellowhsip Hall. Please try to get to the Pack meeting a little early to get set-up. We will release the Bears early during the Pack meeting to finalize the preparation. Parents, please ensure your Scout stays with his game as he is responsible for running it. CHEAP CANDY for prizes. Uniform is Field (Class A). No hats as we will be in the church sanctuary for the Pack meeting.