
Meeting Tonight!

Hello Webelos families!  We have our den meeting tonight at 6:30pm in Friendship Hall. See you there!  Sincerely, Lacey Russell Mom & Me is this weekend!! Registration ends tomorrow night. Register independently on the council event page at

No meeting tonight

Lions, We will NOT be meeting tonight. Work with your scout through the bobcat pages in the Lion handbook and read through the  pamphlet on How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse. Practice the scout sign, salute, and motto with your scout, and read through the oath and law together. We will meet next Monday – more details to come.

Cub Scouts – Week of Sept 30

Happy Monday, Pack! Here are the meeting room assignments for this week: Monday Meetings (Tonight):Lions (Kinder) – NO MEETINGTigers (1st Grade) – Connor HallWolves (2nd Grade) – Pike HallWebelos (4th Grade) – Friendship HallAOL (5th Grade) – Youth Room Tuesday Meetings (Tomorrow):Bears (3rd Grade) – Connor Hall Mom & Me is this weekend!! Registration ends tomorrow night. Register independently on the council event page at See you all tonight!

Schedule Change

Hey everyone! Change of days for this week. Due to conflicts we will be meeting on Monday night this week instead of Tuesday. Time will still be 6:30, but we will be meeting in the youth room! Have a great rest of your weekend! Kendra Nash

Great first meeting!

Hey Lions! I love the rules you all came up with together for our den. Y’all did a great job! Parents, if you are interested in attending the Mom & Me council campout, follow this link for more information and registration: East Texas Area Council – 2024 Junell Smith Nichols Mom & Me ( The cost is $45/person, which includes meals and a t-shirt for each attendee. We love our “Dragon” scouts (younger siblings we “drag” to meetings and pack campouts); however, this event is only for Cub Scout aged kids and parents. Dads are more than welcome to attend. A reminder of “homework” before our next meeting:  If you do not already have one, go by the Scout Shop on 5th street across from…

Cub Scouts – Week of Sept 23

Howdy Pack Family! What a great week to kick off the Cub Scout year! Here are the meeting room assignments for this week: Monday Meetings (Tonight):Lions (Kinder) & Tigers (1st Grade) – Connor HallWolves (2nd Grade) – Pike HallWebelos (4th Grade)- Friendship Hall Tuesday Meetings (Tomorrow):Bears (3rd Grade)- Connor HallAOL (5th Grade)- Friendship Hall See you all soon!

Meeting Tonight!

Hello Webelo Families!!  I am so excited to see old and new faces tonight at our FIRST DEN MEETING for the season! We will meet at 6:30 in Friendship Hall. That is the room in the very back of the church. There will be helpful and friendly Boy Scouts and leaderss in the church to help you get to where you need to be.    See you soon!  Lacey Russell

1st Den Meeting

First Den Meeting of the Year! Hello AOL scouts and parents! We will have our first meeting of the year on TUESDAY at 6:15 at Whitehouse Methodist Church.  Please wear Field Uniform (Class A Tan shirt) as we will attend our first event with the Troop, a court of honor, after our meeting. We will need parents to attend if at all possible for help with keeping the scouts respectful during the court of honor.   We are looking forward to fun filled year! AOL Den Leaders, Somer and Kendra

All Parent Meeting Tomorrow!

Hey Pack!  Don’t forget, we have an All Parent Meeting at Whitehouse Methodist Church Chapel tomorrow, September 16th, at 6:30 PM. The ENTIRE Cub Scout program has been updated and overhauled. Not only that, but we have several Pack changes we need to bring you up to speed with. PLEASE make every attempt to be present. We’ll have an activity for the kids if they want to come as well. Den meetings will begin the week of September 23rd.