
Den Meetings week of 11/13

Lions and Wolves will be meeting tonight at the church. AOLs will be meeting with the Troop tomorrow; more details will be sent out in a Den update. Tigers, Bears and Webelos will not meet this week. To all our scouts that participated in Veterans’ Day programs and the flag retirement at family camp, you all did a fantastic job! Flags need to be picked up this weekend, keep an eye out for a signup genius.

Finishing up adventures

Happy Monday wolves family, We will be meeting tonight at our normal time and in our normal room. It may be a shorter meeting than normal but I hope to wrap up at least 2 belt loops. We will not have a meeting next week as it is Thanksgiving break. -Jacquelyn

Veterans Day programs

Good Morning Wolves families, If your school is not having a Veteran’s Day event or your scout is not included in the event (due to space or whatever) and you wish to participate in one you are welcome to join in Higgin Elementary’s Veteran’s Day program tonight Thursday, November 9th. Come in your Class A uniform and serve as door greeters for those coming in ONLY. Greet from 5:30-6:00pm. Higgins is located at 306 Bascom Rd. -Jacquelyn

Last Call for Family Camp

Good Evening Pack! Fall Family Camp registration closes tonight at midnight! We are returning to Camp Pirtle this weekend. Please register your family at If you’re on the fence, please come! The kids have so much fun playing with each other outside, AND two meals are already cooked for you- so you only have to worry about Saturday lunch and Sunday breakfast. On Saturday, after breakfast, a group of Scout families will visit the Henderson Syrup Festival – which I’ve heard is very fun (and free). Several families will also stay at camp to relax, fish, or hike. You’re welcome to do either one, but please confirm any den-level activities with your Den Leaders. At the campfire in the evening, we will have fun…

Family Camp..and a Syrup Festival

Hello hello! I hope everyone had a successful evening last night with our pocket knife and multitool adventures. I wish I had a chance to see how each Scout did with their knives. Please reach out to me if you think your scout would like some more one on one practice handling his knife. My phone number is 936-645-0707. If you haven’t sighed up for Family Camp, tonight is the last night to sign up. If you’re on the fence, please come! The kids have so much fun playing with each other outside, AND, two meals are already cooked for you- so you only have to worry about Saturday lunch and Sunday breakfast. On Saturday after breakfast, a group of Scout families are going to…

Meetings this week and Family Camp!

Hey Pack! All of our Dens are meeting this week during their regular meeting day. Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Webelos – Monday (Tonight) Bears, AOL’s – Tuesday (Tomorrow) Family Camp is this weekend!! We are returning to Camp Pirtle this weekend. Our Pack will be provide Breakfast Saturday morning and Dinner Saturday night. Please sign up to ensure we have enough food. We have plenty of gear to share out if anyone needs it. Please let your Den leader know. You can register for Family Camp at