Flag bearers at pack meeting tonight
Good chilly morning, The Bears will be the flag carriers at tonight’s Pinewood Derby award ceremony so they will need to be in Class A (minus the hat). Please be there about 6:20. Jacquelyn
Good chilly morning, The Bears will be the flag carriers at tonight’s Pinewood Derby award ceremony so they will need to be in Class A (minus the hat). Please be there about 6:20. Jacquelyn
Good morning, If you are participating in the races tomorrow please remember to register your child’s car online before bringing it out tonight @ etacpack359.org/pinewood-derby. The drop off and race location this year is at Shaka Hobbies on 110 as you’re leaving Whitehouse. Our race time is 8:00 am. Hope to see everyone there. Jacquelyn & Cody
Bears will not have a meeting this week. Please use this time to complete the Pinewood Derby cars or any requirements you may still have. Remember to sign up via the pack page to register your child’s car. Next Monday we will have a Pack meeting to hand out trophies. Tuesday we will not have a meeting.
No meeting January 21st. If you were unable to attend last weeks den meeting please complete 1-3 in the Paws for Action requirement. We will complete the final part of it next week.
Good Evening Bears Family, Hope everyone survived the holidays and the no show snow. A little heads up about upcoming events:l this week: Monday, Jan 13th: Pack meeting at 630. Wear Class A minus the hat. This meeting will be about the Pinewood Derby. If you didn’t get your car at Dec pack meet then this is the night. Tuesday, Jan 14th: We will be working on our Paws for Action requirement. Saturday, Jan 20th: Pinewood Derby Build day. The Pack will put out a schedule for you to sign up for. Please remember to bring your car and keep the nails and your wheels in a safe place. Feb 8th is Pinewood Derby Day. Please continue to work on the Fellowship requirement and/or any…
Good afternoon bear families, Dec 3rd, Tuesday – den meeting @630 in Conner Hall Dec 7th, Saturday – Whitehouse parade. If you wish for your child to walk in it they MUST be in Class A. Line up time is @200 at the High School. Parade starts at 345. Please be there to retrieve your child when their part is over (not at the end of the parade). The parade is not mandatory so no pressure. Dec 10th, Tuesday – I would like to meet offsite at Up In Lights in Tyler. They are located at 12885 CR 192. It’s $5 a person, however 10 & under is free. I would like to meet there at 6 so we can get a jump on the…
Meeting reminder for tonight. We will attempt to finish up our cake in a mug while working on another badge as well.
Reminder that tomorrow is our Pack meeting and it will take place at the Whitehouse Veterans Memorial. You MUST be in Class A. This is a community wide event and we want to show the proper respect to our veterans and the flags that will be retired. Nov 12th-no meeting Nov 19th- meeting at 630 Nov 26th – no meeting – Happy Thanksgiving Dec 3rd- meeting at 630 Dec 10th- meeting at 630 Dec 16th – Pack meeting
Good afternoon, Tonight we’ll be doing an elective and will be making a yummy cake in a mug (we hope). Class B is fine and we’ll meet in Conner Hall as normal. See you tonight!! Jacquelyn
Reminder that we will not have a den meeting this week. -Jacquelyn & Cody