Den 3

Meeting Tonight – Air of the Wolf

Good afternoon,       Just a reminder we will be meeting tonight at the church to begin Air of the Wolf.    Parental involvement is highly encouraged as we will need to help the kids make paper airplanes fly them, and record their distance and flight times.  If you have a tape measure, please bring it.     “Air of the Wolf” Requirements           -Make a paper airplane and fly it 5 times. Record the flight distance and time.           -Make a paper airplane of a different design and fly it 5 times. Record the flight distance and time.           -Compare and contrast the two paper airplanes by distance and flight times.   Next week we will wrap up Air of the wolf by building a…

No Meeting Tonight (REC Cancelled)

Good morning, we WILL NOT be meeting at the REC tonight.  Our contact there had a family emergency and had to fly to Ohio.  We will reschedule this for next Monday, February 3rd.  Please use tonight’s meeting time to complete your pinewood derby cars to turn in on 2/7/25.  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.  Have a great week!  -Chris 

No Meeting for Wolves 12/9/24

There is no meeting tonight for the wolves. Feel free to use this time to complete the at-home requirements for Personal Safety.  1. ) Watch the Protect Yourself Rules video by clicking here: Discuss “safe touch” as seen in the video. See you all next week at the pack meeting!  -Chris

Adjustment to Schedule

Good Morning Wolf Families!   We have adjusted our schedule (what we cover on what nights) to accommodate our pinewood derby discussion before build day.  No days have changed, just what we will cover on the nights of January 6th and January 27th.  I am attaching an updated schedule.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  -Chris

12/2/24 Den Meeting and Homework

Hello Wolf Families,  I hope you all had a great and filling Thanksgiving!  Tonight we will learn about the buddy system, discuss common safety rules, and demonstrate the proper use of playground equipment.  Please be sure your scout brings a jacket as we will be outside for part of our meeting tonight.  In addition to the requirements above, please work with your scouts AT HOME to complete the following criteria: 1. ) Watch the Protect Yourself Rules video by clicking here: Discuss “safe touch” as seen in the video. I hope to see you all tonight!  -Chris 

Model of home for meeting Monday

Please be sure your scout brings a model of their home made from recyclable materials to the meeting Monday, along with any extra materials you may have.  We will build a model of a building in our community and put the houses together to make a neighborhood!  Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.