Den 4

Tiger Races!

Good morning! If you are participating in the races tomorrow please remember to register your child’s car online before bringing it tonight at The drop off and race location this year is at Shaka Hobbies on 110 as you’re leaving Whitehouse. Our race time is 9:30 am.  Families are scouts are welcomed and  encouraged to come watch all of the races beginning at 8 AM. Jason 

Tiger Meeting at the Veterans Memorial!

Heya Tigers! Tonight, in place of our traditional pack meeting, our Scouts are invited to the Veterans Ceremony at the Whitehouse Veterans Memorial (corner of 346 and HWY 110) at 6:30 PM. Landon Beaton from Troop 359 will host this ceremony as his Eagle Scout project. He has invited our Cub Scout Pack to come out and participate in passing out stars to our veterans and assisting with Flag Retirement. If your scout will be attending and would like to get credit for their service project and participate, they MUST be in CLASS A UNIFORMS. PLEASE BRING CHAIRS FOR YOU AND YOUR SCOUT! We hope to see you there!