Den 6

No Meeting Tomorrow Night

Hi Bear Families! No meeting tomorrow night. Please complete Duty to God and the Protect Yourself Video. NASA overnighter is live on the main page of the website. Sign up! Webelos Camp sign-up is also live. I just signed Caleb and myself up! Sign up here. See you next week when we do some Science Experiments! Cheers! Lacey

Duty to God and Protect Yourself Requirements

Parents,   Please let Courtney (903 258 4820) know asap when you complete the Duty to God and the Protect Yourself requirements with your child so we can get that entered into Scoutbook before Blue & Gold.   As a reminder, here are the requirements for Duty to God: Complete the following requirements. Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult what it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life. Complete at least one of the following: Identify a person whose faith you admire, and discuss this person with your family. With a family member, provide service to a place of worship or a spiritual community, school, or community organization…

Meeting Tonight in Friendship Hall

Hello Bear Families! I hope you had a great spring break. We sure did. It was nice to slow down for a few days. Tonight we are meeting at 6:30 in Friendship Hall to learn about North East Texas Wild Trip Rescue.  Unfortunately, they aren’t able to bring any horses to the meeting but they did promise to bring pictures! This is part of our Critter Care adventure. Families need to work on the Duty to God requirement by April 12th. Here is the link to Duty to God. Thanks and see you soon!

Meeting Tuesday at 6:30pm

Hello Bear Families! We are meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 6:30pm. We’ll be starting an elective called Critter Care. Please see the requirements below. We’ll have a special guest from an Equine Rescue come to visit on Tuesday the 19th (thank you Nicole for setting that up!). Critter Care Requirements  I’ll be sending out more information on Webelos camp, soon! Spring Break Camp updates will be coming soon from the Pack. Thanks! Lacey

Webeloes Camp

Hello Bear Families, I am attaching a flier for Webelos camp. If you are interested in going, please let me know. This is not a requirement, just something fun that the boys are able to do as Scouts entering the 4th grade. Parents may come as well, but you do not have to. Thanks! Lacey 936-645-0707

Meeting Tonight

Hi Bear Families! We will be finishing up Paws for Action tonight. See you tonight. If you were not able to attend the museum tour on Saturday, please visit a place of historical significance with your kiddo (the Veterans memorial on 110 and Main would work, or a historical marker…come see me for ideas if you need to). See you tonight! Lacey

This Saturday, Smith County Historical Museum

Hi Bear Families! This Saturday at 12:00pm we are meeting at the Tyler Historical Society  Museum for a guided tour! Please have your scout wear their Scout T-Shirt (if you have one. If not, it’s okay). We should  be there for about an hour. After that, we can go have ice cream at Andy’s on the square. Please eat lunch before the tour if you’re able. Location: Smith County Historical Museum 125 S. College Ave, Tyler. There is free parking on the road, behind the building or in the parking garage across the street. Please reach out to me if you have any questions: 936-645-0707. Thanks guys and I hope you can make it! Sincerely, Lacey

Prestige Nursing Home Flags 5:30 today

Hello! My husband and Caleb, the Jennings family and anyone else willing to lend a helping hand will be at Prestige today at 5:30 to set out flags. It won’t take too long if we have a handful of people helping. Please be there if you’re able! The address is 6928 Paluxy Dr, Tyler, TX. We park on Roy and unload the flags from there. I hope to see you there! Thank you! Lacey