Den 6

Vann Family to Welcome New Baby!

Hello Wolf Families, Our fellow Wolf, Guy Vann, is expecting a little baby brother on February 15th! If you feel so inclined, bring a gift or a note of congratulations for the family to our next Den Meeting (Monday, 2/20). I’ll leave a tote by the door where you can leave the gifts. Good luck with the races tomorrow! Unfortunately, our family has to be out of town for the day and won’t be able to race. See you soon! PS – some of you mentioned a frog stuffed animal or toy. Please bring it as a prop for our song to the Pack meeting on Monday if you’d like.

Our Song for the Pack Meeting next week (1/13)

Its me again….sorry for all of the emails. We are going to learn this song for the pack meeting instead of a skit:   The Little Green Frog Song Lyrics Um ah, went the little green frog one day Um ah, went the little green frog Um ah, went the little green frog one day His eyes went um and ah. Honk honk, went the big red truck one day Honk honk went the big red truck Squish squash, went the little green frog that day Squish squash went the little green frog His eyes didn’t go um ah anymore Cause he got eaten by a dog! Woof Woof! Actions for the Little Green Frog Song When you sing um ah, open and close your…

Class B t-shirts tonight

Hi, it’s me again! Scouts may wear their class B uniform (Scout T-Shirt) tonight. Also- I just volunteered our den to do a skit for next week’s pack meeting (you’re welcome;)). We’ll spend some time practicing for the skit this evening as well. Please remind your scout that we are working together, and it’s important to listen to instructions. 😉 Thank you parents! Lacey

Meeting tonight

Hello Wolf Families! I look forward to seeing everyone at our meeting tonight. The kids will share their grocery lists for a healthy meal in small groups then we’ll do a fun team building challenge. Would any families be interested in bringing snacks to our meetings? I’ll bring snacks tonight and a sign-up sheet for the rest of our meetings.  Thanks in advance! See you tonight! Lacey

Running with the Pack

Hi Wolf Families! I hope everyone had fun last night at our meeting. I wanted to share this video about the Running with the Pack adventure. Feel free to encourage your kiddos to practice the front and back rolls as well as the frog stands. Don’t forget that the cubs had a little assignment to do with you. They get to plan a healthy meal and make a shopping list of ingredients for that meal. Next Monday, we will share our shopping lists in small groups. Check out the video here. I’ll also be sending a tentative schedule for the rest of our scouting year soon. Thank you for all you do! Lacey  

Meeting tonight

Hi Wolf Families! We are back to our regularly scheduled meeting this evening at 6:30p. I apologize for the late email, I’ve started a new job and am getting used to a new schedule. See you soon! Lacey

Meeting Tonight

Hello Wolf Families! I hope everyone had a great week last week! Thank you to all who came to the Troop Parade last Thursday. I heard we had a great turn-out from Pack 359! Tonight is our last meeting until January. We are going to work on thank-you cards from the Tyler Police Department, and get started on the Running with the Pack Adventure. I’ll bring cards and some art supplies for each child to write in and decorate, but if you have stickers or markers to bring, please do! Reminder that we are caroling at Prestige on December 17the from 2 to 2:30. Here is the address: 6928 Paluxy Dr, Tyler, TX 75703. Thanks for all you do! Lacey