Pinewood Derby Car Check-In TONIGHT 6-8
PWD car check-in is TONIGHT from 6-8 at Shaka Hobbies in Whitehouse on 110. Go to to pre-register prior to check-in. YOU MUST CHECK-IN TONIGHT TO BE ABLE TO RACE TOMORROW!!! Races will take place, according to Dens, at Shaka Hobbies on Highway 110 South in Whitehouse on Saturday, February 8th. We use the Lane Rotation Method – Each participant WILL race 4 times each. The best total time determines the winners. Cars are racing the Clock, not each other. Many participants (1st and 2nd Places) will advance to district races. You are welcome to attend every race with your family! Race Schedule 8:00 Bears8:45 Wolves9:30 Tigers & Lions10:15 Webelos11:00 AOL11:45 Open12:30 Business Class All races will be live-streamed via Facebook as…