
Pinewood Derby Car Check-In TONIGHT 6-8

PWD car check-in is TONIGHT from 6-8 at Shaka Hobbies in Whitehouse on 110. Go to to pre-register prior to check-in. YOU MUST CHECK-IN TONIGHT TO BE ABLE TO RACE TOMORROW!!! Races will take place, according to Dens, at Shaka Hobbies on Highway 110 South in Whitehouse on Saturday, February 8th. We use the Lane Rotation Method – Each participant WILL race 4 times each.  The best total time determines the winners. Cars are racing the Clock, not each other.   Many participants (1st and 2nd Places) will advance to district races. You are welcome to attend every race with your family! Race Schedule 8:00 Bears8:45 Wolves9:30 Tigers & Lions10:15 Webelos11:00 AOL11:45 Open12:30 Business Class   All races will be live-streamed via Facebook as…

Meeting cancelled

Lions, I’m going to need to cancel our meeting tonight. Feeling under the weather . Review your Lion required adventures and finish any missing requirements, and take this time to put any last minute details on those PWD cars (or if you’re like me, start them lol). Check in for PWD is on Friday at Shaka Hobbies in Whitehouse beginning at 6. Don’t forget to register your car in advance for a speedier check-in process.

No meeting tonight

No meeting tonight for Lions. Keep an eye out for the meeting schedule and signups this week. Please continue to work on any unfinished required adventures for rank and on pinewood derby cars, next meeting will be 2/3.  

Meeting tonight!

We will be meeting tonight to work on finishing up required adventures. This will be a good time to work on anything your scout may have missed in the fall. We will also discuss electives and set our meeting schedule for the rest of the school year. I will bring a snack for today, and once we have dates set for our spring meetings I will send out a signup genius for snack. See you all tonight!   Nicole

Pinewood Derby Build Day this Saturday

Lions,   Pinewood Derby Build Day is this Saturday at the church! Build Day offers an opportunity for families to pick out a design, re-drill axel holes (if desired), cut and sand your car, and polish your axels and wheels. The goal is to get your cars to where all our scouts would need to do at home is paint and finishing touches. Build Day is open to all our Cub Scouts but is especially helpful for those without the proper tools and/or know-how.    To help with the flow of traffic between stations we request you sign up for a time slot. Time slots are 1.5hr long and begin every 30min starting at 8am. Please use the signup genius here: Cub Scouts: Pinewood Derby…

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year!   Since our Lions are new scouts, please disregard the pack message sent out for them. You will receive an email when their renewal is due next fall. However you will need to complete the renewal process if you have an older scout in our pack who started prior to this school year. I know there are a few.   I have been ill this week, I’m hoping I’ll be better before Monday but I will keep you posted as to whether we will be meeting or not. Please look at the requirements for King of the Jungle. We will complete 1 & 2 at our next meeting. Requirement 3 should…

Christmas Cards 🎄🎄🎄

Happy Monday Lions! Instead of a regular meeting, today we will be getting together to make Christmas cards for a local nursing home. Bring any craft supplies you have (scissors, glue, stickers, glitter, etc.). No uniforms required tonight (don’t need glue on those!), dress festive if you’d like! 🎄   The Troup Christmas Parade is this Thursday at 6pm. Scouts need to be there by 5pm at the Troup Admin building across from Troup Elementary. We’d love to have as much representation there as possible to show support for Scouts from the Troup community! Please let us know if you will be there on Sign up Genuis (link attached) Lions 🦁 and Tigers 🐅 will be required to ride the trailer float with a…

Meeting tonight

Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! Tonight we will be finishing up our Fun on the Run adventure. If you missed the last meeting and are able, please bring your Lion’s favorite healthy snack to share with the den. I’m not sure what room we will be in yet; Cubmaster Jason should be sending that out shortly. See you at 6:30!   Nicole

Meeting tonight

Hey Lions! We will be meeting tonight at the church in the kitchen in Friendship Hall at 6:30 (this is the room in the very back where voting takes place). We will continue working on our Fun on the Run adventure – talking about the five basic food groups and handwashing. If you are able, please have your scout bring their favorite healthy snack to share with the den. If anyone has food allergies let me know in advance. See you all tonight!   Nicole 210-865-2712