Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Splash Pad Reminder! Bring a Friend FREE!- Aug 5th 6pm-8pm

Good afternoon and Happy Thursday!  As a Reminder, we will be meeting at the Whitehouse Splash Pad located at 309 E Main St, Whitehouse, TX 75791on August 5th from 6pm-8pm from some FREE fun in the water!  Feel free to bring a friend who will also be able to attend for FREE!  As a note to parents, a release will need to be signed upon arrival for each child in attendance.  We hope to see you there!

Whitehouse Splash Pad, Bring a friend FREE – August 5th 6pm-8pm

Good afternoon and Happy Friday!  I just wanted to remind everyone that we will be meeting at the Whitehouse Splash Pad located at 309 E Main St, Whitehouse, TX 75791on August 5th from 6pm-8pm from some FREE fun in the water!  Feel free to bring a friend who will also be able to attend for FREE!  As a note to parents, a release will need to be signed upon arrival for each child in attendance.  We hope to see you there!

Happy 4th!! Flag Pickup

Happy 4th!!! Hope everyone has had a safe and fun day celebrating America’s Birthday.   With that being said this upcoming weekend July 8th flags will need to be picked up.   If for any reason you are not able to pickup your route please text/call  Derrick at 903-570-6183 as soon as possible so we can get that route covered. If the church storage room isn’t open when you bring your flags back just lean them outside the building.  Please notify either your den leader or Derrick at the above number with the route and how many flags were picked up so we can try and make sure no route gets missed this time around. Thanks for all y’all do!!! attached are the routes  …

Memorial Day Flags!!

It’s that time again flag put out day! This Saturday 5/20 at 8:30am the flags will be outside the church for everyone to come get their route.  If you are not sure which route you have please reach out to your den leader to confirm.  If there is anyone that cannot put out their route and can’t find someone to do it this time around please reach out and let Derrick Nash know at 903-570-6183.  Any repairs needed please respond with those as well.   Prestige Estates rotation should be Lacey Russell’s Den.     Thanks Derrick

Quad Jam Registration Extended!!!

Quad Jam registration has been extended until April 24th!   While Quad Jam is a Scouts BSA level event, Lions, Tigers, Wolves and Bears along with their parents/guardians are invited for one day to attend exclusive Cub Scout activities. This will take place at George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation, Saturday, April 29th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Attendees will need to bring their own snacks and lunch.     Webelos are invited to join the Troop in camping Friday and Saturday night and to participate in Troop activities! There will be an informational meeting with the Troop on April 25th at 6:30pm at Whitehouse Methodist Church.   There is no cost to attend as the Pack will be covering registration fees! Register by April 24th. To register you and…