Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Pack Meeting

Howdy Pack 359, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Tomorrow night at 6:30 will be our monthly Pack meeting.  We will be in the sanctuary this time. Please wear your field uniform (class A) and bring a jacket.  After all the meeting fun we will be heading across the street to see the first responders equipment. Saturday, December 4th is the Whitehouse Christmas Parade. Line up is at 4:30, enter at Stanton-Smith.  Lions and Tigers will ride on the trailer and are required to have an adult with them. Parade starts at 5:45 and will go straight down 346. Pick up is at the FRONT of Whitehouse High School (this is new this year) For more Parade information click the link below Parade Information

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Pack 359, There will be no meetings this week unless specified by your den leaders.  I hope you all enjoy this time with family.  The Whitehouse Christmas Parade is Saturday,, December 4th.  I will send out more information next Sunday.  May you all be blessed during this time of Thanksgiving!  See you all next week.

Monday Meetings/Flag Pick-up

Howdy Pack 359, We had a great time at Fall Family Camp this weekend, thanks for all that came!  We will not have meetings tomorrow and next Monday will be up to the den leaders.  We will need to pick up flags this week so please get with your Den leaders on what route you have.  We need them picked up by Sunday please.  

Den Meetings and Family Camp

Howdy Pack 359! Tomorrow night will be den meetings, see below for rooms assignments. Lions: Discovery room Tigers: Pike Hall Wolves: Fellowship hall Bears: Tuesday at 6:30 Webelos: Youth Room AOL: Fellowship hall (share with wolves)   Family Camp this weekend! Family camp will be this weekend, November 12th-14th, at Camp Pirtle (Co Rd 1241, Gary City, TX 75643).  We will be in campsites 5 & 6 (campsite assignments will be in an email sent Wednesday).  There will be a trailer to help get gear to campsites Friday from 5:30-7:30 and Saturday from 7:00AM-9:00AM.  If you arrive at times when the trailer is not running you will need to cart you own gear in so a wagon is a good idea.  YOU CANNOT DRIVE TO…

Sign Up For Fall Family Camp!

Good Afternoon Pack! Our Fall Family Camp is next weekend, November 12th through 14th at Camp Pirtle near Carthage ( All families planning to attend need to register at so we need to get a headcount and plan accordingly. Fall Family camp is a great way to relax and enjoy getting to know other families in the Pack. Most Dens will have an activity or two planned, but there will also be family time so you may go on your own adventure. If you haven’t been, Camp Pirtle is nestled in a Pine Forest, right on the Eastern point of Lake Murvaul. If you and your scout love to fish, bring your poles and bait! (Scouts MUST be supervised lakeside) Many families may not…

Den Meetings and Flag Placement

Howdy Pack 359, Tomorrow we will have den meetings, room assignments are as follows: Lions: discovery room Tigers: Pike Hall Wolves: Friendship hall (big room in back) Bears: Tuesday at 6:30 Webelos: youth room AOL: Connor Hall Also, flags will need to be put out No later than November 7th for Veteran’s Day.  Den leaders, please coordinate flag placement with your families.  We will have a few dads going around tomorrow to help explain to new families how flags work.

Pack Meeting

Howdy Pack 359, Mom (and dads too) and Me camp out was a big success!  We had so much fun at all the stations! Today is our first pack meeting of the year.  It begins at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall in the back of the church. Scouts need to be in their blue or tan field uniform (class A).  You will need to sit with your scout, if you have more than one please sit with the youngest.  We have a super fun activity planned at the end of the meeting!

Mom and Me

Pack 359, My scout and I are so excited about camping this weekend!  Please read thoroughly as there will be LOTS of info in this post/email. 1. You are able to go out Friday if you would like.  Please send Mrs. Somer a text to let her know if you plan to go Friday (cell number is at the bottom of the email). 2. Please be sure you have (a) turned in health forms a and b, copy of front and back of insurance card, and scouts shot records OR (b) bring any of those missing items with you. 3. ANY person 18+ MUST complete and bring a copy of the Youth Protection Training (YPT). Camp has requested a hard copy so please print if you haven’t…

Den meetings and Mom & me

Pack 359, This week’s den meetings are as follows: Lions: discovery room Tigers: see den leader Wolves: no meeting Bears: Tuesday at 6:30 Webelos: youth room AOL: 5:30 Pike Hall Mom and Me Saturday and Sunday at Camp Pirtle (more information Wednesday).  If you need gear or guidance please let us know.  The pack has a few tents.