Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Final day to Register for Fall Family Camp

Don’t forget to register TODAY! Reserve your campsite at Family Camp Reservations – Our Fall Family camp is THIS weekend from  Friday, November 13th through Sunday, November 15th at our council’s beautiful George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage. The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. If your family will not be able to stay either night, we’d love for you to come out for Saturday’s activities. The cost is only $20 per family for the entire weekend. The Pack will provide a Dinner and a Breakfast for everyone. Reserve your campsite at

Den Meetings and Family Camp Reservations

Howdy, I’m going to name Monday “Paperwork Monday with den meetings”. Are you wondering if you have turned in all your paperwork? Come tonight at 6:30 to meet with Steve. We will have a few printed forms you a can sit and fill out. Den Meetings Monday Lions – Side by side Tigers – Pike Hall Webelos – Friendship Hall Den Meetings Tuesday Wolves – Friendship Hall Don’t forget to register for Fall Family Camp by this Wednesday! Family Camp Reservations – Our Fall Family camp is NEXT weekend from  Friday, November 13th through Sunday, November 15th at our council’s beautiful George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage. The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. If your family will not be able to stay either night, we’d…

Flag Delivery Today

Happy Sunday Morning! We are meeting at the church at 2:30 PM today to deliver flags to our customers. We’ve sold 40 NEW flags since our last deliveries and need all the help we can get. If you haven’t yet, please Sign Up to help deliver flags at For those of you who have volunteered to help stage the flags, please arrive by 2:00 PM. Ryan Bockover will be there to let you know what needs to be done.

Flag Delivery and Family Camp Registration is Open

Howdy Pack! We have 2 upcoming events, and we’d love for your Scout and families to participate 🙂 Veteran’s Day Flag Delivery – We are meeting at the church at 2:30 PM on Sunday, November 8th to deliver flags to our customers. We’ve sold 38 NEW flags since our last deliveries and need all the help we can get. Please Sign Up to help deliver flags at Family Camp Reservations – Our Fall Family camp is NEXT weekend from  Friday, November 13th through Sunday, November 15th at our council’s beautiful George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage. The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. If your family will not be able to stay either night, we’d love for you to come…

Pack Schedule

Howdy Pack Family, I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather. We are getting closer to our fall family camp. Remember you must turn in Health Forms A&B for every family member camping. Also, all adults (18 or older) must take and complete the YPT online training. Please see below for important date and den meetings: Flag Delivery – Sunday, Nov 8 Sign-up coming later this week Family Camp – Nov 13-15 Flag Pickup – Monday, Nov 16 Meetings Monday 11/2 Webelos – Connor Hall Tigers – Pike Hall Lions – Side by side Meetings Tuesday 11/3 Wolves -Not Meeting Meetings Sunday 11/8 Bears – Picnic Tables AOL – Contact your den leader  

Our First Pack Meeting Is Tonight

Howdy Pack! Tonight at 6:30 PM is our first Pack meeting of the year! All of our Cub Scouts should try to attend and wear their Field Uniforms with Neckerchiefs (if you don’t have one yet, please respond to this email and let us know). Scouts will also receive their first round of Flag Sells Prizes!! We have a bit of a surprise for everyone this evening. Our Pack Meeting will take place outside (the rain should have moved on) this evening, either in the field or in the side parking lot depending on the ground. This will allow us to space out appropriately and sit as families instead of Dens. Bring your chairs & blankets and don’t forget your masks (in case we do…

How do we build Flags?

Hey there! Have you been asking yourself, “How do we build these Flags” or “I wonder what is Flag Build Day all about?”; Well, you are not alone! We have fielded numerous questions regarding Flag Build Day, so here is exactly what we will be doing and where we need help. Hole Drilling – 2-3 Volunteers. One volunteer will mark the hole locations on the big 10-foot flag poles. Another Volunteer will use a Drill Press to drill the holes. A third volunteer would be beneficial to move & wrangle the long poles. Bolt Cutting – 1 Volunteer needed. We have a metal cutting bandsaw to cut the eye bolts used to attach the flag to the pole and cut the 3″ rebar that we…

Can you help us Saturday?

Howdy Pack! You all have been selling some flags! We have had over 30 new flags sold since our Labor Day deliveries! That is awesome!! Saturday morning is our Flag Build day. We will have an assembly line setup with 4 different stations that needs at least 2 volunteers per station. We will meet at 9:30 am on the far side of the church parking lot. With enough volunteers, this shouldn’t be longer than 90 minutes. Please bring Water, gloves, eye protection, and reply to this email to let us know you can help. Oh! This also counts towards qualification for the Fall Flag Party! Hope to see you Saturday!

Pack Update 10/18

Howdy Pack 359, I hope all of you were able to go outside and enjoy the cooler weather this weekend. Please turn in health forms and YPT to your den leaders. Don’t forget you must register you scout for the 2020/2021 year. We need all registration and paperwork finished by the October pack meeting. Below is important information on key dates for your calendars. Flag build day is Saturday, October 24. Our fundraiser to help cover costs for camping, advancements, and trips is our flag service. Come out this Saturday and learn how to build the flags. We have a t-shirt design winner! Winner will be announced at the October pack meeting. You can order your pack pack t-shirt by logging into your scouts account. …

COVID Protocol Updates

Good evening Pack 359 Family, In keeping up to date with COVID-19 procedures we are going to be updating our den meeting protocols to help limit exposure risk. We are going to ask a few things of you. 1. For indoor meetings, except Lions, all parents and siblings will need to remain in the car or outside the church for the duration of the meeting unless specifically asked by the den leader or cubmaster to attend the meeting. Tiger parents MUST remain on campus for the duration of the meeting. Entrance for restroom use is permissible. 2. Scouts 10 and over will need to wear face coverings and scouts under 10 are still encouraged to wear a face covering. 3. Please complete the attached screener…