Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Pack T-shirt Design

Howdy Pack! This is a reminder we are still accepting t-shirt designs for the 2020-2021 year. Here is a link to the template. Have fun and remember our theme is scouts! Yours in Scouting, Kathy

Flag Pickup Tomorrow!

Howdy Pack! Don’t forget, we are picking up our Flags from our Customers’ homes and businesses tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 PM. This also counts towards Fall Flag Party qualification. We only have 3 more opportunities left and you need to help with 2 events to qualify for the party. (New Scouts – You will learn about this at your next meeting) When: Sunday, September 13th at 2:30 PM Where: Meet at Church in Field Uniform (Class A) Sign-up here: Thank you for helping this fundraiser become a success!

Flag Pick-up

Howdy Pack 359, It’s time to pick up all the flags we put out for Labor Day and 9/11!  We need all hands on deck to help this process go faster. This also counts towards Fall Flag Party qualification. We only have 3 more opportunities left. When: Sunday, September 13th at 2:30 PM Where: Meet at Church in Field Uniform (Class A) Sign-up here: Thank you for helping this fundraiser become a success!

Cub Registration and Training Opportunities

Howdy Scouting Family! I hope everyone is staying dry. Our 2020/2021 scouting year is starting off strong. Below is a list of upcoming activities: Returning Cub Registration It is time to register you cub for the 2020/2021 year. You can also order t-shirts and hats School Night for Scouting Sept 10 Invite your friends to join scouts! Our school night for scouting is Thursday, September 10 at Times Square Grand Slam at 6:30. The kids will watch a movie while parents learn all about what cub scouts has to offer. IOLS/Baloo Training Sept 26 & 27 Many have expressed interest in the IOLS/Baloo training. As we have mentioned we need at least 1 adult Baloo trained leader in order to camp. The more we…

T-shirts and Committee Meeting

Howdy Scout Family, Thank you everyone who helped place flags yesterday. As mentioned in our parent meeting we have a committee that meets once a month to plan our pack events. A few of you were interested in joining the committee. This Wednesday (9/2) we will meet at 6:30 pm at Whitehouse Methodist church. We will meet either be in Friendship hall or Pike. The meeting will be about an hour. I hope to see a few new faces. T-shirt design competition! YES this year the cubs get to design the pack t-shirt. Between 8/21 – 9/8 we are accepting t-shirt designs. Use the attached PDF as a template for your design. Then email them to or reply to this email and I will…

Labor Day Flag Delivery

Howdy Scouting Family It’s that time again! Time to sign up for Labor Day flag delivery.  We will be meeting at the church at 3:00 pm on Sunday Aug. 30th. This is your first opportunity, to qualify for the Fall Flag Party (you only need to help with 2 events)! There will only be 4 more opportunities this Fall. See the attachment in the email sent earlier this week. Sign up to help with the Flag Deliveries at We do need 3 or 4 families who can help stage the flags beginning at 2:30 PM. Please email ahead of time 🙂 Yours in scouting Somer Bockover

Important Parent Information

Happy Monday, Pack! Thank you to all of those who were able to come out to the parent meeting last night. I hope you had all of your questions answered concerning this Scouting year. Here is a link to the video recording (minus the first 5 minutes) on our Facebook page – Here are links to the various PDF’s we handed out as well: Returning Parent Pack Health Forms Fundraising Prize Sheet Flag Party Qualifications Den Meetings will officially begin on September 14th. Your Den Leader should be in contact with you prior. Flag Sales can begin now! Be sure you list your Scout’s name(s) in the Scout Code box. Look for training on how to make Flag Sales coming out this week. Please sign…

See You Soon!

Howdy! Just a quick reminder – Parent Meeting today at 2:30 pm at Time Square Cinema All scouts & siblings are welcome to attend. They will be watching Beethoven while Parents & Leaders meet in the Banquet Room. See you there!

**Time Change** – Parent night and Movie

Hey there, Pack Family! WE DID IT! It’s Friday of the First School Week! WooooooHooooooo!!!  I hope everyone has started the year off well. Quick update – Sunday’s Parent Information meeting will start at 2:30 PM inside Times Square Cinema. Please arrive by then. The Scouts (and their siblings) will be watching Beethoven! Yes, the fun one must of us parents grew up with. There are several items on the list that we need your feedback on. This is why there is ZERO cost to your family. We want to make it as convenient as possible for you to attend. We hope to see you all there!

We hope to see you Sunday!

Good afternoon Pack 359 Family! I hope we all had a fantastic first day of school! Whether your family is back to traditional school or remote learning, we wish you the best success this year. As I’m sure you can imagine, Scouting will look a bit differently this year. With this in mind, we’ve opted for a different approach to our Parent Meeting this year. Join us on Sunday, August 23rd (This Sunday) at 3 PM at Time Square Cinema. The movie event was such a hit this summer that we’re going to do it again! While we share all of the details for this year with the parents, the scouts will watch a movie (appropriate spacing will be observed)! We’ll discuss how dens will…