Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Start Your Engines! Pinewood derby day!

Howdy Race Fans, Checkin tonight was successful. I can’t wait to watch all the races tomorrow. We start at 9:00 am. Please arrive in your Class A uniform ready to cheer on your fellow racers. Many of our scouts have their first soccer games tomorrow. Soccer uniforms are still uniforms. Come over before or after you game to cheer (we completely understand wearing your soccer uniform).  Happy Racing! Kathy

Pinewood Derby Reminder

Howdy Pack 359, Don’t forget tomorrow is Pinewood Derby check-in at Whitehouse High School from 6-8 PM.  Be sure to pre-register your car here, this will allow check-in to go much quicker.  No early birds, please. IF you cannot be at Check-in tomorrow, you MUST pre-register AND send the car with someone else who will be there. Be sure to give that person instructions as to what needs to happen if the car does not pass Tech inspection (too heavy, ground clearance, etc). RACE DAY: Saturday is race day.  Races will begin at Whitehouse High School cafeteria at 9 AM and continue until all races are complete. We will race in Den order, beginning with our Lions and ending with the Open Division. Please park…

Pack Meeting and other info

Good Evening Pack 359, Tomorrow we have a pack meeting so meet in the sanctuary at 6:30 PM in Class A uniform (not hats please). Pinewood Derby: THIS Friday, February 21st is Pinewood Derby check-in from 6–8 PM on.  No early birds, please. ALL cars must be checked in by 8 PM to race.  You will need to park in front of the main entrance of the high school (faculty parking lot) and come in the main entrance.  Register your car here prior to check-in. Pinewood Derby race day is THIS Saturday, February 22nd from 9AM-done.  The Arrow of Light den will be selling snacks at both check-in and on race day (cards accepted). Spring Break Camp: March 7th -10th at Arkansas Bend Park in Travis County, Texas. …

Den Meeting Assignments

Howdy Pack 359, Tonight’s den meeting room assignments are below. AOL: Off site see den leader Webelos: Pike Hall, Guest Speaker please attend with your scout if possible and wear Class A uniform. Bears: Seekers class Wolves: Fellowship hall Tigers: Start in Sanctuary end in discovery classroom Lions: Regular Lion Room

Scout Sunday and Flag Delivery

Howdy Pack 359, Tomorrow is Scout Sunday at Whitehouse United Methodist Church.  Please join us at 9:00 for worship and fellowship in class A uniform.  We will sit as a group but please sit next to your scout.  There will be a pancake breakfast following the service in the Fellowship Hall.   Flag Delivery is tomorrow as well, we need people to help with delivery, please sign up here to help out. We are usually done in about an hour if we have enough helping hands. Every Scout participating will receive 10 Blue Points which can be used for Spring Camping events. Delivery will begin around 11:30ish depending on the completion of the pancake breakfast. Yours in Scouting, Somer Bockover

[Critical Information] Upcoming Events

Howdy Pack 359, Last night was our monthly committee meeting, and we nailed down several details on upcoming events.  Please read all of the following information. Scout Sunday: This Sunday, we will join all of the scouting groups at Whitehouse United Methodist as we worship and fellowship together.  If possible, please be at the church at 9:00 in uniform on Sunday.  We will be participating in some capacity with the Boy Scout Troop.  Please sit as a family but within the group overall.  Following the service (begins at 9:30), there will be a pancake breakfast cooked and served by the Troop. Flag Delivery: Following breakfast (around 11:30ish), we will be delivering flags to our Flag Customers for President’s Day.  If you cannot make it to…

Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359, Go Chiefs!  Tomorrow we will have den meetings at 6:30 see below for den assignments.  Look for an email tomorrow for upcoming events.  Keep working on those Pinewood derby cars! AOL: off site see den leader Webelos: Fellowship hall Bears: Pike Hall Wolves: Gaga pit Tigers: Discovery room Lions: Regular Lion room

Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359, I enjoyed seeing all the scouts that came to build day to make their cars. There is some stiff competition this year!  Tomorrow we will have den meetings please see below for room assignments. Lions: Not meetings Tigers: Discovery room Wolves: upstairs (pick a room) Bears: upstairs (pick a room) Webelos: Pike Hall AOL: meeting Tuesday, details from den leader    

Pinewood Derby Build Day

Hello all! Tomorrow is the day!  Pinewood Derby build day that is.  Come to Whitehouse United Methodist between 9-2 to build your race car.  We will be in the back room (fellowship hall).  Bring your car, scout, and ideas!  The AOL den will be selling breakfast and snacks, cards accepted.  This is a come and go event so if you cannot be there at a specific time just come when you can.

Pack Meeting

Howdy Pack 359, How about those Chiefs!  Wow, what a game!  Anyways, tonight we will be having our monthly pack meeting at 6:30.  We will be kicking off our pinewood derby season and handing out cars for the scouts.  Additional cars will be for purchase at a cost of $4 (cards accepted). Rumor has it a special guest will be there, you don’t want to miss this! The Scout shop has moved temporarily while the old building is renovated it’s new location is 4908 Hightech Drive, Tyler.  Due to this move we will not be handing out advancements tonight and will have to wait until next month so keep working on those Duty to God and other advancements! Spring Break camp this year will be…