Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Veterans Day Programs Tomorrow

Good Evening Pack Family! Great Camp this weekend! 2 Quick things: 1 – No Meetings Tomorrow. Rest & Recover from Camp! 2 – Veterans Day Programs! Cain, Brown, & Stanton-Smith Scouts – Wear your uniforms tomorrow to school. Scouts can change out of their uniform AFTER the programs. We are performing Flag Ceremonies at each Program. SCOUTS MUST WEAR THEIR UNIFORM TO PARTICIPATE! Have a great evening!

Fall Family Camp

Howdy Campers, We can't wait to see many of you this weekend at Fall Family Camp. Below are the details for camp. Location: Pirkey Environmental Park near Hallsville, TX TIME: ENTRY INTO THE PARK BEFORE 9:00 PM (you cannot get in after 9:00 PM) Weather: It will be cold. Pack accordingly and bring fire wood!!!  Pack Provided Meals: Breakfast Saturday and dinner Sunday (You are on your own/den for lunch Saturday and breakfast Sunday)  If you have a mess kit please bring it.  A scout is thrifty and clean.  This helps us reduce our trash and save money. Win! Win! Drinks: Pack will have hot chocolate and water  Bring your own cup! Shirts/Forms: Kathy will be at the pavilion from 9:30-10:00 Saturday for you to pickup…

Fall Family Camp

Happy Halloween Pack 359! I hope you all had a fright-filled and treat-filled night! Fall family camp is finally upon us and we are so excited! We will camp from next Friday, November 8th through Sunday, November 10th at Pirkey Environmental Park. Please see the attached map and list of what to bring. Please use the link below to sign up by Wednesday, November 6th so that we can ensure enough food is purchased. See the attached documents for details, schedule, menu, etc. Directions to Pirkey  Pirkey camping map.pdf  Equipment Checklist  Fall Family Camp 2019

Monday Meetings

Howdy Pack 359,  -omorrow is time for den meetings!  See the room assignments below. 2 weeks until family camp!  Look for the sign up later this week as well as a list of what to bring. Monday Room Assignments Lions: Meet outside by the Gaga pit Tigers: Meet outside under the Pavilion and then inside in the discovery room Wolves: Pike Hall Bears: Seekers class Webelos: Offsite see den leader for details 903-952-7238 AOL: Fellowship hall

Popcorn This Weekend

Happy Friday! The time has come to wind down and officially end our Popcorn Season (can I get a Woohoo?!). Tomorrow our Show and Sell will be set up at The Tyler Scottish Festival and Highland Games instead of Lowe’s. Event organizers are anticipating over 4,000 people will come out to this year’s event. That creates a serious opportunity for our Pack! Please look at your app and verify your shifts. We still have one open shift from 1 pm- 2 pm tomorrow. Due to parking, give yourself an extra 5 minutes to get to the booth. This is a FREE event, open to the Public! Find out more information at Sunday Shifts – There is a chance we will NOT sell on Sunday….

Final Call for Pack Shirts and Hats

Howdy Pack! We are placing the order for the new t-shirts and hats. Please get your order in by 1:00 PM today so we can receive them in time for Family Camp. We have added a Cash and Check option to the order form and you can pay in person next Monday. You will still be able to order your Swag at a later time, but we can’t guarantee they will be ready for Family Camp. Please reply back if you have any questions. Regards, Kathy Prince

Pack meeting

Howdy Pack 359! Tomorrow is our first Pack meeting of the year!  We will award Bobcats this meeting and then immediately following participate in the annual Bear carnival.  Wear class A uniform (no hats please) and bring popcorn forms! See you at 6:30 in the sanctuary! Yours in Scouting, Somer Bockover

Final Rose Parade Info

Howdy Pack! We’ve had many questions for tomorrow’s Rose Parade. Here are the final details. What To Wear – Scouts – Wear your Class A uniforms with Neckerchief. (Lions – Your blue lion shirt is your Class A). IF your scout has a scout hat, wear it. If not, no biggie, we get to see those smiles better 🙂 Parents In The Parade – If you have a Class A uniform, wear it, please. If you have a Pack T-shirt, wear that. If you do not have either, no biggie, we’ll have last year’s shirt there on site (we are out of some sizes). Looks like the weather will be about 65 when the parade begins, so you’ll likely have a jacket on anyway 🙂 Lions…

Friday Flag Ceremony and Saturday Rose Parade

Howdy Pack, We have a lot of activities this weekend. Friday Night Whitehouse Football game Flag Ceremony: Scouts in full Class A uniform that arrive to help with the flag ceremony are free. (be at the gate by 6:30 to practice) Adults and siblings need to buy tickets. The campus offices will be open tomorrow. You can purchase until 9 am tomorrow for $6 adult and $3 for student OR at the gate $8. It is Military Appreciation Night – active duty and veterans get in free with their military ID. Find the details and RSVP at Saturday Morning Rose Parade: We will gather at the intersection of Glenwood and Front Street between 7:30 and 8:00 am. Please be early!  Parade security may keep…