Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Football Game Flag Ceremony Friday

Pack 359 we need you! We have been asked to perform the raising of the flag at this Friday’s Whitehouse High Schoool Football Game! Friday night’s game is a special Military Appreciation Night so we thought it would be a great way to show respect to our country by performing the flag ceremony.  If your scout can come help out, please RSVP using the link below. Scouts need to be in Class A uniform complete with neckerchief and arrive at the stadium at 6:30 pm to practice. Thank You!

Upcoming Events

Good morning Pack 359, We have several upcoming events and other information so please read to the bottom. 1.  Tyler Rose Parade – this Saturday, October 19.  Here are the details on the parade. We will be #3 in the lineup behind the City of Tyler Fire Truck. The parade route is about 1.25 miles. Gathering: We will gather at the intersection of Glenwood and Front Street between 7:30 and 8:00 am. Please be early!  Parade security may keep latecomers from entering the route.  The parade starts at 9:00 am.  Sign in with your Den Leader Parking:  The best locations to park are Mike Carter Baseball Field or Peete Elementary School.  Keep in mind that many of the roads in the area will be barricaded off.  Peete is…

Den meeting Monday

Hello Pack 359,  I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful fall weather! Den Meeting Locations Lions: NOT MEETING Tigers: NOT MEETING Wolves: Discovery room Bears: Seekers classroom Webelos: Pike Hall AOL: Fellowship hall Saturday, October 19th is the Tyler Rose Parade meeting place TBD, time: 7:30.  Tigers and Lions will be riding in the trailer.  Cubs need to be in Class A, parents walking need to be in a pack shirt of some type.  This is a great opportunity for the Cubs, as they open the parade.   Get that Pack swag, hats and t-shirts See you tomorrow!  

Den assignments

Fantastic Pack 359, Den Assignments for tonight: •Lions back of Fellowship hall •Tiger: discovery room •Wolves: Seekers classroom •Bears: outside by pavillion/playground •Webelos: front of fellowship hall •AOL: Pike Hall Parents needing help with popcorn app and sells will meet in the sanctuary at 6:45. Get that Pack Swag (hats and shirts) See you tonight! Somer Bockover  Cubmaster

Updates and POPCORN

Good Morning Best Cub scout Pack in Texas! I wanted to update you on several events coming up. 1. There are still popcorn slots available this weekend at Lowe's on Sunday.  If you are new and would like to sell please send an email and we will get you on the schedule. 2. Tyler Rose Parade is October 19th. We are the openers for this parade and carry the opening banner along with the Armed Services flags.  The boys look forward to this event each year so mark your calendars.  Lions and Tigers will ride on a trailer and all the other dens will walk and/or carry flags. 3. Popcorn Take home orders are due at the Pack Meeting on October 21st.  This will be…

Monday Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359,  Tomorrow's den meeting locations are below:  Lions: NOT MEETING Tigers: Start meeting under the Pavillion Wolves: Meet at Blackhawk Creek Park and Mountain Bike Trail (see den leader for details) Bears: Meet at Faulkner Park by the Splash Pad at 6:00 PM Webelos: Connor Hall AOL: Fellowship Hall Upcoming Dates: Rose Parade October 19th morning, details to come Fall Family Camp November 8-10th, details to come See you all tomorrow!

There are only a few popcorn shifts left!

Howdy Pack! We only have a couple of slots left for this weekend. Sign up before they are filled! New Parents! We would love to help set up you guys for a successful Popcorn Season. If the app is giving you fits (technology right?) you can also register your scout online at Here’s the Unit Information you will need: Council – East Texas Area Council District – Wo Ha Li Unit – Pack 359 We want to pair you (and your scout) up with a returning scout to help show you the ropes. We have Popcorn shifts every hour from 9-5 on Saturday and Sunday each weekend. Please reply to this email with a time you are willing to sell and we’ll get you…

Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359,  I hope you all had a restful weekend.  Tomorrow's den meeting assignments are as follows. Lions: Pike Hall Tigers: Discovery Room Wolves: Side by Side room Bears: Seeker's Classroom Webelos: Fellowship hall AOL: Sanctuary  Coming Up Fun and Cub: Into the woods with Sasquatch at Camp Pirtle October 5th and 6th Rose Parade: October 19th details coming Don't forget to go to this link to register and pay for recharter.  Points will not be tracked until this has been done. See you all tomorrow night! Yours in Scouting,  Somer Bockover

Gold Point Weekend! Popcorn show-n-sell spots

Howdy Pack! Time to start earning your gold points. We need scouts in their Class A uniform to fill the slots. To register for a spot download the app and sign-in. Council is East Texas Area CouncilOur District is Wo-Ha-LiOur Unit is PACK 359 You can also login on a computer to sign-up for a shift will need the app during the show-n-sells to help track inventory. A parent or guardian must stay with their scout during the show-n-sell. *Lions are not required to sell. Please note they are welcome to wear their uniform and support their sibling.  Yours In Scouting,Kathy