Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Freedom in the Park and Day Camp

Hello Pack 359! Freedom in the Park is this weekend from 2-5 PM.  We need people to sign up to work the booths and also to sign up to help with the flag retirement ceremony at 4:30 PM.  Below is a sign up genius for both.  We need someone to work 3:00-4:00 shift. Come and support your pack! Booth Help   Flag Retirement Day Camp Day camp sign ups for reduced cost end on May 31st so if you plan on your child attending sign up before then to get the reduced rate.  Also, don't forget to use the discount code CAMP19 to receive 35% off.  You can sign up here before May 31st. https://www.etacpack359/daycamp Movie in the Park Don't forget our June event,…

Camp and Other Info

Hello Pack 359,  I hope everyone is getting geared up for Summer fun and signing up for Day camp and/or Webelos Camp!  We have a few events coming up that I want you all to be aware of. Freedom in the Park When: May 25th 2-5 Where: Whitehouse City Park We need volunteers to help us run our 2 booths!  Please visit the link below to sign up for a one hour time slot to help us out.  We will be running our bow and arrow booth for kids corner and selling our flag service. Anyone that signs up and shows up to help will be entered into a drawing for a gift card. Movie in the Park When: June 7th 8 PM Where:…

Den Meetings and Flag Sales

Good Evening Pack 359, There will be no more den meetings this school year as we are gearing up for Summer Fun! Please add the following dates to your calendar. June 7th Movie in the Park, location: Whitehouse City Park June 10-14th Webelos Resident Camp, Location: Camp Pirtle            Sign-up here:            Use the discount code: CAMP19 for a 35% discount (only use the code once if registering for both this and day camp) June 17th-21st Wo-Ha-Li District Day camp             Sign-up here:             Use the discount Code: CAMP19  for a 35% discount July 20th Pack 359 Overnighter, location: Mid America Museum, Hot Springs, AR…

Neckerchief Ceremony

Good Afternoon! We have nailed down some details on the neckerchief changing ceremony!  We will be doing the ceremony tomorrow, Saturday, evening at 7:00 pm at the Whitehouse City Park.  There will be an ice cream social afterwards to celebrate!  Come join us!  Bring a chair and bug repellent.

CANCELLATION: Spring Family Camp

Good morning everyone! It is with a sad face that I type this email.  In the interest of safety we will be cancelling spring family camp this weekend.  If you have already paid your money a refund will be issued.  We are working on alternate plans and will still be doing a neckerchief changing ceremony and possibly a campfire.  Those details will come out later this afternoon or tomorrow morning once we nail down a location and time.  Again, I am sorry that we must do this but we want all of our families to be safe and the amount of rain we will be getting tomorrow night will just make the camping miserable!  If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Yours in Scouting,  Somer…

Spring Family Camp

Good Evening Campers! I wanted to let all of you know that we are watching the weather for this weekend closely.  Please keep a look out in your email for any last minute changes to the plans.  A details (location, what to bring, etc.) email will be sent out tomorrow. Your in Scouting,  Somer Bockover

Den Meetings, Family Camp, and summer camp

Hello Campers! Next weekend is Spring Family Camp and we need people to sign up by Wednesday if your family plans on attending.  Cost will be $10 per family non-refundable to help cover the cost of breakfast Saturday and dinner Saturday evening.  The campfire Saturday will include our annual neckerchief exchange so be sure to go by the scout shop and purchase the next rank neckerchief and slide.   Den Meetings Monday Lions: not meeting Tigers: Pike Hall Wolves: not meeting Bears: not meeting Webelos: see den leader for meeting info Link to sign up for Family Camp Also, Cub Day camp and Webelos camp sign ups are going on now.  Kathy Prince, Jason Beaton, and myself will be running day camp this year and…

REMINDER: Pack 359 Garage Sale

Howdy, Pack 359 Family, Our Pack Garage Sale is this Saturday, 4/27/19 at the Whitehouse UMC from 7 am to 1pm. All proceeds benefit our Pack for expenses throughout the year. Please bring your garage sale items this Friday, between 5-6:30 pm, to the Fellowship Hall at Whitehouse UMC. Still looking for volunteers for Saturday to help man the Garage Sale. Thanks for all you do! I have attached the information so you can share with friends, family, etc. Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips  GS Flyer.GIF  

Pack 359 Yard Sale Help Needed!!!

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!! Sorry for the late notice, but…… you need to get rid of some things at your house that may turn into someone else’s treasures????? Our Pack will be holding a Yard Sale this Saturday, April 27 from 7 am to 1 pm at the Whitehouse United Methodist Church (where we meet). You can drop off items this Friday evening from 5-6:30 pm at the church Fellowship Hall. We will be there so you can drop off items, and price them if you want. All proceeds will go to the Pack to help offset costs of Scouting throughout the year. We also need volunteers for Saturday to help man the Yard Sale. We need volunteers from each Den to step up and…

Den Meetings and Other Info

Happy Easter Everyone! Sorry about the weird email a few days ago but I'm still trying to figure out this system and apparently when you send emails too close together only the last one goes out.  Oooops! Here is the original message:  Greetings from your new Cub master! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weekend.  Below you will find a link to sign up for Spring Family Camp May 3-5 at Pirkey Environmental Park in Hallsville.  There will be a $10 per family non-refundable deposit to help offset the cost of food.  2 meals will be served, pancake breakfast Saturday morning, and BBQ Saturday for dinner.  Please sign up by May 1st to ensure we have enough food.  Remember, this is the camp out…