Pinewood Derby Information and Den Meetings for 1/7/2019
Happy New Year, Pack 359 Family!!! I hope everyone has had a great holiday season, but now it’s time to get back to work! Tomorrow’s Den Room Locations at 6:30PM: 1. Lions – not meeting 2. Tigers – Discovery Room 3. Wolves – Side by Side Room 4. Bears – Fellowship Hall 5. Webelos – Sanctuary 6. AOL – Pike Hall PINEWOOD DERBY 2019 (You may pick up cars at Den Meetings on Monday, 1/7/19, or at the Build Day. $4 for extra cars. There will be SPEED and STYLE Competitions.) Saturday, January 12, from 9 am – 2 pm is our official PWD Build Day. Location is the Fellowship Hall at Whitehouse UMC. I have attached the rules and regulations for everyone to review (This includes dates and times). These are…