Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Cub Scouts – Week of Sept 23

Howdy Pack Family! What a great week to kick off the Cub Scout year! Here are the meeting room assignments for this week: Monday Meetings (Tonight):Lions (Kinder) & Tigers (1st Grade) – Connor HallWolves (2nd Grade) – Pike HallWebelos (4th Grade)- Friendship Hall Tuesday Meetings (Tomorrow):Bears (3rd Grade)- Connor HallAOL (5th Grade)- Friendship Hall See you all soon!

All Parent Meeting Tomorrow!

Hey Pack!  Don’t forget, we have an All Parent Meeting at Whitehouse Methodist Church Chapel tomorrow, September 16th, at 6:30 PM. The ENTIRE Cub Scout program has been updated and overhauled. Not only that, but we have several Pack changes we need to bring you up to speed with. PLEASE make every attempt to be present. We’ll have an activity for the kids if they want to come as well. Den meetings will begin the week of September 23rd.

Bring A Friend Fishing

Happy Friday Pack 359!  We want to remind you about our bring a friend fishing day tomorrow from 9Am-12Pm at Goose Pond at Camp Tyler!  We will have a certified angler instructor there for your scouts to earn that extracurricular badge! It is open for them to bring their friends to check out pack 359 and get to see what scouting is all about!  If you all have any questions feel free to reach out to me or 903-539-9053! We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow! 🥳🎣

Welcome Back to Cub Scouts!!

Happy Saturday, Pack!! I hope everyone has settled into their school routines and the year is off to an amazing start! Your Den Leaders and Pack Committee have been hard at work planning an exciting year of scouting for you.  September Event Schedule: Monday, September 9th, 6 – 8 PM –  Ice Cream Social at Whitehouse City Park. Bring a friend and enjoy popsicles and fun. This is open to the public, so please feel free to share it with your friends and neighbors. Saturday, September 14th, AM – 12 PM – Pack 359 Fishing Derby at Camp Tyler! Grab your fishing pole and tackle box and join your friends in a Fishing Derby! Fishing is always better with friends, so be sure to pickup…

Splash Pad Tomorrow!!

Good evening, Pack! Don’t forget about our Summer Splash Pad Bash tomorrow night from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Whitehouse Splash Pad ( This is a great time to cool off from the HOT summer and enjoy the final days before School starts in a few weeks. This event is open to all of our Scouts and their families. You will need to sign the standard Splash Pad waiver upon entering the gate. See you all tomorrow!

Cool Off at the Splash Pad!

Hey Pack! Our Summer Splash Pad Bash is scheduled for Saturday from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Whitehouse Splash Pad ( This is a great time to cool off from the HOT summer and enjoy the final days before School starts in a few weeks. This event is open to all of our Scouts and their families. You will need to sign the standard Splash Pad waiver upon entering the gate. See you all on Saturday!

Movie Night Saturday and Open Flag Routes

Hey Pack! What are you doing Saturday night?! We’re hosting a family movie night at the church at 6:30 PM. Bring the family out and enjoy How to Train Your Dragon with the Pack! If you are coming, please sign up so we know how many attendees to plan for – Also, we still have several flag routes that still need to be picked up! View the routes and sign-up at Flags can be returned to the church (along with the signs and stakes) outside the flag room door. Don’t forget to empty the water out of the poles from the rain last night.  Have a great week!

Flag Routes Still Open

Hey Pack! We still have 15 routes that need to be covered. Once flags go out this weekend they won’t have to be picked up until after July 4th. So please everyone get involved and sign up for a route asap so we can make sure they all get covered. Without this program, families will have to foot the bill for all of the fun things that we get to do with scouting. Sign up at