Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Meetings This Week and Upcoming Events

Good Evening! Can you believe February is nearly over? The spring is flying by so far! Please continue to refer to your Den Leaders for updated meeting schedules. The springtime brings a lot of ‘Go and See’ activities. Meetings for this week:Lions – No MeetingTigers – 6:30 on Monday in Pike HallWolves – 6:30 on Monday in Connor HallBears – 6:00 on Tuesday at the baseball field behind the churchWebelos – No MeetingArrows – Meeting with Troops at 6:45 on Tuesday Upcoming Events – District PWD: March 23rdSpring Break Camp: March 9-11th at Dinosaur ValleySolar Eclipse Pack Meeting: April 1stCouncil Dad & Me Campout: April 14-15 at Camp PirtleBlue & Gold Banquet: April 19th

2 Flag routes left!!!

Good Afternoon! Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Saturday. We still have 2 routes left.  Thanks to everyone that has already done their part in picking up.  Can we please get these routes covered today    A1 McElroy D1 Nottingham Forest Once you sign up for a route thru the Sign up Genius and enter your email I will send you the route sheet. Please use the Sign Up Genius to reserve your route! Also – If you notice something needs to be repaired (painted marker, missing PVC pipe, etc), please submit that flag for repair at This will allow our flag coordinators to rally the team to repair the installation before the next delivery date. If you pick up a flag that needs to…

Flag Pickup help still needed!!!

Good Afternoon! We still have 9 routes that need to be covered this weekend. The routes will be listed below. A1 McElroy B1 Cooks Ranch B2 Vanderbilt Estates B3 Woodway B8 Joye Lane C6 Blackjack D1 Nottingham Forest D2 Richland D3 Country View & Walnut Once you sign up for a route thru the Sign up Genius and enter your email I will send you the route sheet. Please use the Sign Up Genius to reserve your route! Also – If you notice something needs to be repaired (painted marker, missing PVC pipe, etc), please submit that flag for repair at This will allow our flag coordinators to rally the team to repair the installation before the next delivery date. If you pick up a…

Presidents’ Day Flag Pickup

Good Afternoon Pack! Our flags need to be picked up and returned to the church this weekend. Don’t forget to tip the flag upside down so the pole doesn’t dump gross water in your vehicle 😁. Please use the Sign Up Genius to reserve your route! Also – If you notice something needs to be repaired (painted marker, missing PVC pipe, etc), please submit that flag for repair at This will allow our flag coordinators to rally the team to repair the installation before the next delivery date. If you pick up a flag that needs to be repaired (bent pole, torn, very faded, etc.), please split it out and place it in a different grouping at the church. For any questions or…

Last call for Pizza!

We are almost completely SOLD OUT of pizza plates! This is the last call for pizza plate preorder. To reserve your plates you MUST preorder. If any is left over it will be sold tonight on a first come basis and there are no guarantees! Pizza plates are $5 each and include two slices of pizza, a drink, and a dessert. These funds will be used for our Arrow of Light crossover ceremony. Plates will be served in Friendship hall. Preorder you plates here:

Pizza dinner tomorrow, preorder now!

Our Arrow of Light den is holding a pizza dinner fundraiser tomorrow prior to the Pinewood Derby awards pack meeting. This fundraiser will help pay for their crossover ceremony next month. Plates are $5 for two slices of pizza, a drink, and a dessert. Pizza will be served in Friendship hall starting at 5:30. Preorder now to reserve your plates, supplies are limited!

Race Check-in, Flags, and PIZZA!

Good Afternoon, Pack! I hope everyone is ready for a big weekend! We have Race Check-in tonight, Races tomorrow, Flags going out, and our Awards Pack Meeting and Pizza on Monday! All of the details are listed below. PWD Race Check-inTonight’s check-in is from 6 pm – 8 pm in Pike Hall at WMC. Cars will be inspected, weighed, and turned in. All cars will stay overnight, and no further modifications (such as graphite) are allowed. Cars will be available for pickup after your Den races. We will have a small ‘Pit’ area with a few tools so you can make any last-minute modifications. PLEASE register your car online before arriving at Race ScheduleScouts are welcome to attend all day long or just for…