Meetings This Week and Upcoming Events
Good Evening! Can you believe February is nearly over? The spring is flying by so far! Please continue to refer to your Den Leaders for updated meeting schedules. The springtime brings a lot of ‘Go and See’ activities. Meetings for this week:Lions – No MeetingTigers – 6:30 on Monday in Pike HallWolves – 6:30 on Monday in Connor HallBears – 6:00 on Tuesday at the baseball field behind the churchWebelos – No MeetingArrows – Meeting with Troops at 6:45 on Tuesday Upcoming Events – District PWD: March 23rdSpring Break Camp: March 9-11th at Dinosaur ValleySolar Eclipse Pack Meeting: April 1stCouncil Dad & Me Campout: April 14-15 at Camp PirtleBlue & Gold Banquet: April 19th