Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack


Good evening: Thank you to everyone that has already signed up for a route. Currently we have 15 routes that need to be covered.  Please see all the routes that are open with the number of flags by each route. Use the signup genius link to claim a route of text Derrick Nash at 903-570-6183 to get signed up.     If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. A1 McElory (10 flags) A2 Penisula (10) A3 Dovershire/Acker Tap (15) A4 Baseball Complex (9 ) B1 Cooks Ranch (10 ) B2 Vanderbilt Estates (16) B3 Woodway (8 ) B5 Cumberland North (12) B6 Cumberland South (11) B7 Graemont & Saddlebrook (21) C2 Rosebrook (7) C3 Waterton (8) C4 Lake Tyler (9) C6 Blackjack…

Derby Race Schedule!

Good Afternoon, Pack! Pinewood Derby Weigh-in and Drop off is Friday, February 9th, 6 PM – 8 PM Weigh your car in and leave it there for races the next day. You must have your car registered on Friday night to race on Saturday. You can complete the registration form on our Pack website before weigh-in to allow another family to drop off your car – this is allowed as long as you already registered your car online at Race Schedule We did our best to accommodate as many scouts playing in the little dribblers basketball tournament as possible. 9:00 am – Lions & Tigers 9:45 am – Wolves 10:30 am – Bears 11:30 am – AOL 12:00 pm – Webelos Open and Business…

Den Meetings and Race Week!

Good Afternoon, Pack! Meetings Some of our Dens are not meeting this week. Here is the Schedule: Lions – Discovery Room Tigers – Not Meeting Wolves – Conner Hall Bears – Not Meeting Webelos – Friendship Hall AOL’s – Meeting with Troops Pinewood Derby Weigh-in and drop-off is Friday, February 9th, 6 – 8 PM. Weigh your car in and leave it there for races the next day. You must have your car registered on Friday night to race on Saturday. You can complete the registration form on our Pack website before weigh-in to allow another family to drop off your car – this is allowed as long as you have already registered your car online at Race Day is Saturday, February 10th –…

Presidents’ Day Flags!!!!!

Good afternoon pack, Presidents’ Day is coming up and which means it’s flag time again. This Saturday, February 10th flags will need to go out. When you come to the church to race your Pinewood Derby cars, grab the route you selected and have the flags delivered no later than Tuesday, February 13th. We have 25 routes to put out, so we need all hands on deck! Please use Sign-Up Genius link below to sign up. If you have never helped with flags this is a great time to get involved. The flags will be staged outside the church Saturday morning by 8am and they will have the attached list of customers and their addresses for each route. If you have any questions, please feel…

Scout Sunday This Sunday!

Good Evening Pack! Scout Sunday is this coming Sunday (Feb 4th) at Whitehouse Methodist Church. The service will begin at 9:30 AM. Scouts must wear their full Class A Uniforms (no hats). Scout Sunday is our opportunity to support our chartering organization and thank them for allowing us to use the church to meet and host our Cub Scout Pack!

Build Day is Here!!

Calling all Builders! Build Day is set up in the Friendship Hall at the back of the Church. If you haven’t signed up and still want to attend, we still have open slots. Sign up at

Build Day and Recharter

Good Afternoon Pack! Recharter – All of our returning scouts need to recharter. We have options for payment plans as well. This does not apply to you if you are a new scout for the 2023-2024 school year. This is a critical step in keeping your scout’s achievements and rank advancements current. Without rechartering, National will remove your scout’s records from our account. Pinewood Derby Build Day – This Saturday, Jan 27th (8a-12p). We’ll have the tools necessary to leave with nearly a finished car. Please volunteer to help with Build Day! We try to provide this excellent service, but without help from a few volunteers, we can’t safely host Build Day. Please use the button on to sign up for a time and activity. There are…

Pinewood Derby Signups – Volunteers URGENTLY NEEDED for Build Day

I know some families were unable to make it to our Pack meeting on the 8th, and with no den meetings this week Pinewood Derby has not been on everyone’s mind. Our Build Day is fast approaching, and we are in desperate need of volunteers. Build day is a time when families can come use tools loaned to the Pack by one of the WMC church members. You have the chance to redrill axles (if you want), get your car cut with a band saw, use a drill press to cut out a spot for weights, sand your car and wheels, and polish your axles. Essentially, all you would have to do after build day is paint. This is a great opportunity for families who…