Den Meetings, Monday, November 12 @ 6:30 pm

Happy Sunday, Pack 359 Family!

Here are the room assignments for Monday's Den Meetings:
1.  Lions –  Choir Room
2.  Tigers – Discovery Room
3.  Wolves – Side by Side Room
4.  Bears – Fellowship Hall
5.  Webelos – Church Sanctuary
6.  AOL – Pike Hall
Events coming up:
1.  Popcorn Pickup & Retrieval of Flags – Monday, November 19.  We will have popcorn orders available.  We are also asking that Scouts come in Field (Class A) uniform as we will divide and conquer the Flag Retrieval for our Flag Service.
2.  November Pack Meeting – Monday, November 26 in the Church Sanctuary.  Ensure you are meeting with your Den Leaders to complete requirements for advancement.
2.  Whitehouse Chrismtas Parade/Christmas in the Park – Saturday, December 1.  More detail to follow.
Thank you for all you do!
Yours in Scouting,
D. Jason Phillips