Final Popcorn Push

Hi Pack Family!

We are in the Final Countdown for Popcorn Sales!

Take advantage of FREE SHIPPING ONLINE! Shoot a quick video of your scout asking for support and share it on social media along with your scout's unique link or code. Trails End is doing a FREE SHIPPING promotion through 8 PM EST on Friday! This is an EASY way to get a couple hundred dollars in sales. (Plus Trails End has worked with us to give us 50% of each sale instead of 35%!!)

The other top-selling units across the country are reporting this method to be VERY successful in promoting online sells.

Take Order Forms are Due This Monday, October 29th at our Pack Meeting. please bring your completed forms and money to be turned in.

Our final Show N Sell is this weekend at Super 1. There are still 4 slots left. 1-3pm on both days and 3-5pm on Sunday. If you can help out, please do. All registrations are facilitated using the Trails End App.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email. Thank you again for your support.

Yours In Scouting,

Jason Beaton
Committee Chairman, Pack 359