Last Few Tiger Requirements – Homework

Good afternoon Tiger families!  I hope you all are having a Happy Valentines Day!  The last few Tiger requirements will be completed with the scout and their parent or caring adult at home.  We WILL still have meetings, but the activities listed below are generally better presented at home.  Please  let me know if you have any questions.

Tiger Circles: Duty to God
Adventure Requirements

Complete Requirement 1 plus at least two others.

Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult what it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life.
With a family member, attend a religious service or other activity that shows how your family expresses reverence for God.
Earn the religious emblem of your faith that is appropriate for your age or grade.
Help with a local service project and talk with your den or family about how helping others is part of our duty to God.
With the approval of your parent/guardian, den leader, or other caring adult, think of and then carry out an act of kindness or respect that you think shows duty to God.


Protect Yourself Rules (Tiger)

Complete each of the following:

Watch the Protect Yourself video lessons for this adventure.
Watch here:
Identify the difference between a safe touch and an unsafe touch.
With your adult partner, make a list of five trusted adults.
With your adult partner, practice Shout, Run, and Tell.