Lion News

Christmas Cards ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

Happy Monday Lions! Instead of a regular meeting, today we will be getting together to make Christmas cards for a local nursing home. Bring any craft supplies you have (scissors, glue, stickers, glitter, etc.). No uniforms required tonight (don't need glue on those!), dress festive if you'd like! ๐ŸŽ„   The Troup Christmas Parade is this Thursday at 6pm. Scouts need to be there by 5pm at the Troup Admin building across from Troup Elementary. We'd love to have as much representation there as possible to show support for Scouts from the Troup community! Please let us know if you will be there on Sign up Genuis (link attached) Lions ๐Ÿฆ and Tigers ๐Ÿ… will be required to ride the trailer float with a…

Meeting tonight

Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! Tonight we will be finishing up our Fun on the Run adventure. If you missed the last meeting and are able, please bring your Lion's favorite healthy snack to share with the den. I'm not sure what room we will be in yet; Cubmaster Jason should be sending that out shortly. See you at 6:30!   Nicole

Meeting tonight

Hey Lions! We will be meeting tonight at the church in the kitchen in Friendship Hall at 6:30 (this is the room in the very back where voting takes place). We will continue working on our Fun on the Run adventure – talking about the five basic food groups and handwashing. If you are able, please have your scout bring their favorite healthy snack to share with the den. If anyone has food allergies let me know in advance. See you all tonight!   Nicole 210-865-2712

No meeting this week / Veterans Day Ceremony

Lions, We will not be meeting this week. Please finish Lionโ€™s Roar if you have not already done so and begin on Lionโ€™s Pride. Both of these adventures are designed to be done at home with family.ย  Next week we will be meeting at 6:10 at the Whitehouse Veterans Memorial at the corner of 110 and 346 for the Community Veterans Day Program. This event has been organized by Landon Beaton for his Eagle Scout Project. Our Lions have a very special job – we will be handing out stars to all the veterans in attendance. All scouts will need to be in Class A uniform: Lions shirt or blue button down, neckerchief and slide, and donโ€™t forget your belt to show off those adventures…

Meeting outside today!

Lions, we will be meeting outside the church today at our regular time, 6:30, in the field with the disc golf course. Wear your Lion t-shirt or pack t-shirt, known as a class B shirt. Please bring a water bottle and a whistle (parents, hold on to these please until needed). See you tonight!   Nicole

No meeting, homework assignment

Happy Monday Lions! We will not be meeting today, I am feeling under the weather. However, there are a few adventures that are designed to be done at home with your scout. Please complete Lionโ€™s Roar this week. Complete the following requirements Activities to fulfill these requirements are listed below. Choose one activity for each requirement to complete Lionโ€™s Roar. Requirement 1 With permission from your parent or legal guardian watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for the Lion rank. Requirement 2 With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate Shout, Run, Tell as explained in the Protect Yourself Rules video. Requirement 3 With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate how to access emergency services. Requirement 4 With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate how to safely cross a…