Meeting Next Monday, 10/ 02 at Blackhawk Creek Park

Hi Bear Families!

Next Monday we will be meeting at Blackhawk Creek Trails at 6:30pm. While Camp Tyler would have been a great place to hike, we decided to move the hike to a Whitehouse location. What a blessing it is to have trails so close to home! Below is a link to google maps that shows the location of the trails.,-95.2109086,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x86482d13b1d887f1:0xd88a6a2677ef6e07!8m2!3d32.2102513!4d-95.2083337!16s%2Fg%2F11fkdthqpc?entry=ttu

Scouts should bring a snack, water, sun protection, a whistle, flashlight, and some version of a first aid kit. At a minimum, bring a trail snack and some water please.

I'll send out more information as we get closer and reach out to you individually to be sure we all know about the location change.

You can reach also reach me at 936-645-0707 or

