Pack Meeting, Monday, 11/27/17

Hello, Pack 359 Family!!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. But, back to school time now.

Tomorrow's meeting is a PACK meeting to be held in the church sanctuary at 6:30 pm. Uniform is Field (Class A). Please, NO hats in the sanctuary.


  1. Popcorn – if you weren't able to pick up popcorn last week, we will have it available at the meeting. Also, please be sure to select a prize.
  2. Whitehouse Christmas Parade/Holiday in the Park – this coming Saturday, Dec 2. The parade starts at 9AM. Uniform is Field (Class A). Tigers are responsible for decorating the trailer that they MUST ride in. After the parade, we will have a booth in the park with an archery game and information. We need volunteers to help with this. You can sign-up for time slots here.
  3. SOCKS – yes, you read that correctly. The Whitehouse Church needs new clean crew socks. They donate these to assisted living homes in the area. If you could bring SOCKS to the meeting tomorrow, we will make sure they get to the right people at the church.

That is all for now…….more info on parade to follow.

Yours in Scouting,
D. Jason Phillips, Cubmaster
Jason Beaton, Committee Chairman