POPCORN Show-n-Sell
Howdy Pack!
Time to start earning your gold points. We kick-offed popcorn this past Monday and our Popcorn Kernel Committee worked hard to secure 3 locations for us to sell from this weekend. We need scouts in their Class A uniform to fill the slots. To register for a spot download the app and sign-in.
Our Council is East Texas Area Council
Our District is Wo-Ha-Li
Our Unit is PACK 359
You can also login on a computer to sign-up for a shift https://www.trails-end.com/login
You will need the app during the show-n-sells to help track inventory. A parent or guardian must stay with their scout during the show-n-sell.
*Lions are not required to sell. Please note they are welcome to wear their uniform and support their sibling.
Yours In Scouting,