
Cub Scouts – Pack Meeting Tonight!

Hey Pack!  Tonight is our first Pack Meeting of the year!!! Pack meetings are a pack-wide celebration of everything our scouts have been working on. Each Den will be recognized and awarded the belt loops it has earned. Please wear your Blue or Tan Class A uniforms and neckerchiefs (if you have them). We will be in the sanctuary, so please do not wear your hats. If your family ordered Pizza, it will be available at 5:30 tonight. See you all there!

First Pack Meeting tonight!

Our first pack meeting is tonight at 6:30! Please have your scouts wear their Class A shirt (lion t-shirt or blue button down shirt) tucked in with jeans, khakis, or blue pants/shorts/skort and closed toe shoes. No hats as we will be in the sanctuary. If you ordered pizza, that will be served at 5:30 in Friendship Hall (the back room of the church). If you have NOT ordered pizza plates and would like to, you have until 11:30! Go to It’s $5 a plate for 2 slices of pizza and a drink. Proceeds will go to our Arrow of Light Den’s Crossover Ceremony in February. See you tonight!

Pack Meet

Good Evening! For tomorrow’s 6:30 Pack Meeting, please remember to be in your Class A uniforms with shirts tucked in and no hats.   

Pack meeting and Pizza!

Tomorrow is our pack meeting and our den is in charge of the pizza fund raiser! I will be there but I need two additional scouts plus parents to help out. If you are able to help please be there by 5:15 and plan to stay until the pack meeting starts at 6:30. (We will be serving pizza for every pack meeting so everyone will get a to volunteer at some point.) If you can help please text me (903-570-7011). ALL scouts need to be in class A (tan shirts) for the pack meeting. No hats since we will be in the sanctuary! See you all tomorrow!


Today is the last day for you to order your pizzza plates before our first pack meeting of the year!! Pack meetings area pack wide celebration of everything our scouts have been working on. Each Den will be recognized and be awarded the belt loops they have earned. Our Arrow of Light den is hosting our pack meeting pizza this year. All proceeds go towards their Cross Over ceremony later next Spring. For $5 you can get 2 slices of pizza and a drink. We will begin serving pizza plates beginning at 5:30 and food will need to be eaten in the Friendship Hall. YOU NEED TO RESERVE PIZZA ONLINE SO WE CAN ORDER THE CORRECT AMOUNT!  Reserve your plates at

Pizza! Get your Pizza!!

Hey Pack!  Monday is our first Pack Meeting of the year!!! Pack meetings area pack wide celebration of everything our scouts have been working on. Each Den will be recognized and be awarded the belt loops they have earned. PIZZA IS BACK!! Our Arrow of Light den is hosting our pack meeting pizza this year. All proceeds go towards their Cross Over ceremony later next Spring. For $5 you can get 2 slices of pizza and a drink. We will begin serving pizza plates at 5:30 and food will need to be eaten in the Friendship Hall. YOU NEED TO RESERVE PIZZA ONLINE SO WE CAN ORDER THE CORRECT AMOUNT!  Reserve your plates at

October Meetings

Good Morning Bear family, 10/8 6:30 @ back pavillion 10/14 Monday Pack meeting – wear your Class A minus the hat 10/15 no meeting  10/19 Rose Parade – wear Class A – details to come later 10/20 Our Mile(+) hike at Tyler State Park @ 9. Please wear Class B and appropriate closed toed walking shoes. Each kid must have a parent or guardian walk with them. Adults $6, kids 12 & under are free. 789 Park Rd 16 Tyler Tx 75706 10/22 no meeting 10/29 meeting @ 630  Also if you wish for your kiddo to earn their first belt loop by next week you will need to go over the How to protect your child from Abuse: A Parents Guide. I MUST log…

Meeting at Pavillion

Lions, we will be meeting at the pavillion by the church playground today. We’ll be learning about the Cub Scout 6 essentials. Please bring these items with you to the meeting today: Water Flashlight Sun protection (a hat or sunscreen) Whistle Snack Small first aid kit (this can be as simple as a gallon bag with antiseptic wipes, ointment, bandaids, etc.) We always want to have these 6 items with us for any outdoor activity. Also please bring health forms A & B for every participant and a copy of your YPT certificate. See you at 6:30!   Nicole