Very Important Information – DO NO DELETE!

Howdy, Pack 359 Family,

I hope everyone has had an excellent summer break, but now it's time to get back to business.

1. Meetings – Meetings will NOT resume until Monday, September 10 at 6:30 pm. This meeting will be a parent/forms meeting. In an effort to decrease the number of times you fill out Health Forms throughout the year, we will complete this at this meeting. Remember, we need updated health forms for all participants throughout the year. Scout, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. If we can get these forms this one time at the beginning of the year, it will eliminate your need to bring completed forms for every campout, sleepover, etc. Please see attached for health forms. You must attach a copy of current medical insurance to the health forms.

Also, at this meeting, we will be accepting recharter dues. Unfortunately, the National Office has increased prices for insurance and registration fees. The cost for returning Scouts will be $50. This covers both the registration and insurance through the council. You can go to to register and pay securely online.

2. New Youth Protection Training (YPT) – Following the recent changes to the BSA, we are required to complete new YPT. All adult leaders and adults participating in the program must complete this online by the end of September. That even includes me, even though I am up to date. You can go to to sign-in and complete the course online. We will need a copy of your current YPT certificate. If you do not have an online account, you can create one on the website.

3. Popcorn!!! – Popcorn sales are off and running. It's a little different this year as we are trying to decrease our amount of popcorn sales for a different fundraising campaign (please see below). You must download the app at to sell popcorn. This allows you to sign up for Show N Sells at Lowe's, Super 1 and also sell online. All Show N Sell transactions are completed through this app. Please download it and be sure to enter correct data for Council (East Texas), District (Wo-Ha-Li), and Pack (359). If you don't enter correctly, you or the Pack does NOT get credit.

4. Flag Program – This is our new fundraising effort to try to decrease the amount of popcorn we have to sell. It consists of signing up houses for yearly subscriptions for flag service for all the major patriotic holiday. You can see our online sign-up at The initial start-up has been promising. However, we need help signing up more neighborhoods. We will be asking for help distributing door hangers through various neighborhoods throughout Whitehouse. If we can get this program rolling, we will not have to rely on popcorn to fund our year. A win for everyone!

5. NASA(Houston)– Our traditional July overnighter for this year was moved to October 6 due to logistical reasons. The Pack is covering the costs of all Scouts and one adult per Scout. Any additional participants are at a cost of $60/person. There are a limited amount of spaces available. Please go to to register and pay securely online. Online registration and payment is your only option for this event.

6. Recruitment – Access to the Whitehouse Schools for recruitment of new Scouts has been difficult this year. So, we need your help!! Talk to your friends and families about our awesome Pack and the benefits of Scouting. For every new Scout that your son recruits, he will be entered into a drawing for a substantial prize (think Rock Gym) at the October Pack Meeting. Scouting will only continue if we have new Scouts to fill the voids.

That is all I have for now! I am so excited to be writing dramatic emails again.

Yours in Scouting,
D. Jason Phillips