Advancement Requirements
AOl scouts and parents I have assigned the “Duty to God in Action” pin to be worked on over the remaining time period as a family experience. This must be completed before March 2019. Please work on requirements 1, 2 and pick one of the remaining 3 through 6 to complete the pin. Let me know when you have finished this and I will record its completetion for your son. Next, Scooutmaster Rick Green from Troop 359 (903-262-4680) has invited the boys on a Boy Scout campout January 12th and 13th at the Sparkman Campsite in South Tyler. Scouts Should arrive between 9-10 am. I have included his number if you have any questions. Troop 356 in Tyler has a campout January 19th. I will gather more information on this and pass it along. I wish all of you a safe and Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing all of you at our den meeting on Monday, January 8th.
Thanks for your support,
Den5 leader Bob Prince.