Author: Pack359

Pack Meeting, Monday, December 17

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! Monday's meeting is a Pack Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Church Sanctuary.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  NO HATS PLEASE. We will be handing out Popcorn Prizes, and you will also be able to pick up Pinewood Derby cars.  The Pack covers the cost of one car per Scout.  Additional cars can be purchased for $4.  Remember, our Build Day is 1/12/19.  More details to follow. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Den Meeting at 6:30 December 10, Pack Meeting at 6:30 December 17

Ho Ho Ho, Lions!! Are you learning your address like the firemen asked last week? We will be learning some first aid lessons, exercising, and making our own healthy trail mix snacks at Monday’s meeting! Can’t wait to see you there! Next week is our December Pack meeting – we will receive our Animal Kingdom and Fun on the Run belt loops AND there will be information about PINEWOOD DERBY!!!

Meeting, Monday, 12/10/18

Howdy, all!! We will be working on our Cyber Chip tomorrow evening at 6:30PM. ALSO, please remember to complete the exercise program for Stronger, HIgher, Faster. Keep working on the Duty to God at home. Enter all competed requirements in Scoutbook!! Yours in Scouting,

Den Meetings, Monday, 12/10/18 @ 6:30 PM

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! Here're the room assigments for tomorrow night's meetings at 6:30 PM: 1.  Lions – Side by Side Classroom 2.  Tigers – Not Meeting 3.  Wolves – Discovery Classroom 4.  Bears – Fellowship Hall (Please bring $5 to cover cost of project) 5.  Webelos – Pike Hall 6.  Arrow of Light -Church Sanctuary.  Field (Class A) Uniforms, please!!! See you tomorrow! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Tuesday 12-4-18 AOL Fundraiser Meeting

Den5 parents, AOL crossover in March will be upon us faster then we think. In order to prepare for the cost of the awards and our reception we need to have a fundraiser. I am inviting all parents to my house on Tuesday 12-4 @ 6:30 to discuss and establish how we plan on making money. You may contact me (cell# 832-721-0615) any time. Strong participation will ensure a memorable crossover event for the boys. Thank you for your help, Den5 leader Bob Prince

Den Meetings, Monday, 12/3/17 @ 6:30PM

Howdy, Pack 359 Family…… Thanks for all who participated this weekend in the Whitehouse Christmas Parade and Christmas Parade.  We had a GREAT showing!! A couple of announcements (or, just one): 1.  Popcorn Prize Selection – if your Scout sold Popcorn this year, please go to to select your Scout's prize.  We need this by tomorrow please.  We will be presenting the prizes at the December Pack Meeting on Monday, December 17. Here are the room assignments for Monday's meeting: 1.  Lions – Whitehouse Fire Department 2.  Tigers – Discovery Room 3.  Wolves – Side by Side Classroom 4.  Bears – Pike Hall 5.  Webelos – Fellowship Hall 6.  AOL – Church Sanctuary That is all for now! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Christmas Parade

Lions, Please wear a red shirt tomorrow for our float. It will go with our theme of Dr. Seuss. If a parent or sibling is riding with us please also have them in red. Thanks, Kathy Prince Tiger Leader

Whitehouse Christmas Parade/Christmas in the Park

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!! Here is the information for this weekend's Whitehouse Christmas Parade and Christmas in the Park.  We need your help!!  Please see sign up link below for help with the booth. 1.  Booth Set-Up – 8 AM in the Whitehouse Park.  This involves setting up the canopy/tables and our booth for shooting bows and arrows/Flag Service information. 2.  Christmas Parade – meet at the old Junior High parking lot at 9 am.  We lead the parade.  Lions and Tiger must ride on the trailer.  Parents of Lions and Tigers must walk alongside the trailer.  All other Scouts will walk.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  Parade starts at 10 AM.    Pick-up for your Scouts will be at the Holloway 6th grade school (just inside…