Author: Pack359

Pack Meeting, Monday, 11/26

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  Tomorrow at 6:30 pm is our monthly Pack meeting in the church sanctuary.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  PLEASE NO HATS! Friendly reminder: 1.  Whitehouse Christmas Parade & Chrismas in the Park – Saturday, Dec. 1.  Please plan to attend in Field (Class A) Uniforms.  Lions & TIgers must ride on the trailer.  Parents of Lions and Tigers must ride or walk along.  After the parade, we will have a booth set up in the Whitehouse Park.  We will assist with shooting bows and arrows and also provide information to potential new Scouts.  We are also working on information for our Flag Service Program.  Please be on the lookout for signing up to man the…

IMPORTANT: Please read regarding Monday’s Meeting, 11/19/2018

Howdy, Pack 359 Family, Tomorrow's meeting will be dedicated to Popcorn Pick-up and retrieving Flags from our Flag Service for Veterans' Day. We will have take-order popcorn ready for pick-up at 5:30 PM in Pike Hall at the Church.  We ask that Scouts come with Field (Class A) Uniforms so we can divide and conquer the Flag Service Pick-Up. So, please come if you are in town tomorrow as we need all the help we can get.  I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving week! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Guest Speaker on Monday Dec10th

Den5 parents, Due to a scheduling conflict, our guest speaker meeting with Whitehouse City Manager is moving from December 17th to December 10th. I apoligize for any inconvenience this may cause. All boys still required to wear their class “A” uniform. December 17th is our pack meeting. Thanks for understanding. Bob Prince

LION MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH at 6:30 at Whitehouse Methodist church

Howdy, Lions!! We had a great time doing our skit at the Family Camp campfire – Preston and Matthew, we missed you! We will go over our skit so all the boys can participate. Tomorrow, we will learn about being a Good Citizen and honoring our flag. We will make a yummy treat AND I have pictures to share from our first Pack Meeting!! Be practicing your Scout Salute, Motto, and Sign!!! Parents, be checking your calendars to see if your scout will be able to ride on the Scout Trailer for the Whitehouse Christmas parade on December 1st. There will be NO Lion meeting next week – Whitehouse schools are out for Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for the time I get to spend…

Monday, 11/12/18, Den Meeting

We will be practicing Flag ceremonies in the church sanctuary tomorrow as we are in charge of the ceremony at this month’s Pack meeting. We will also start the Stonger, Faster, Higher required adventure. If any parents can bring jump ropes and 5lb. weights, that would be great. Please look over the adventure prior to tomorrow’s meeting. Uniform will be Activity T-shirt. Thanks!!!

Den Meetings, Monday, November 12 @ 6:30 pm

Happy Sunday, Pack 359 Family! Here are the room assignments for Monday's Den Meetings: 1.  Lions –  Choir Room 2.  Tigers – Discovery Room 3.  Wolves – Side by Side Room 4.  Bears – Fellowship Hall 5.  Webelos – Church Sanctuary 6.  AOL – Pike Hall Events coming up: 1.  Popcorn Pickup & Retrieval of Flags – Monday, November 19.  We will have popcorn orders available.  We are also asking that Scouts come in Field (Class A) uniform as we will divide and conquer the Flag Retrieval for our Flag Service. 2.  November Pack Meeting – Monday, November 26 in the Church Sanctuary.  Ensure you are meeting with your Den Leaders to complete requirements for advancement. 2.  Whitehouse Chrismtas Parade/Christmas in the Park – Saturday, December 1.  More detail to follow. Thank you for…

Brown and Cain Veterans’ Day Program

Howdy, all!! Brown Elementary Veterans' Day Program is Friday, November 9 at 8:30 am.  Kathy Prince and Josh Jones will be there to help the Scouts with the Flag Ceremony and handing out retired stars.  They will be start working with the Scouts at 8 am.  Scouts must wear Field (Class A) to participate. Cain Elementary Veterans' Day Program is Friday, November 9 at 9:00 am.  Katherine Forrest and Jason Beaton will be there to help the Scouts with the Flag Ceremony and handing out retired stars..  Please have your Scout wear Field (Class A) uniform to school. Thanks again! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Monday December 17th

AOL parents, Den5 is having a guest speaker on Monday December 17th. Mr. Aaron Smith from Whitehouse City Managers Office will be discussing requirement #4 in our “Building A Better World” pin requirement. It is important to put this in your calendars. All boys must be present, on time and in their Class “A” uniform. There will be no makeup days for this requirement. Each boys needs this to move forward. thank you for your time, Den5 Leader Bob Prince

Higgins Veterans’ Day Program

Howdy, Higgins Elementary Parents, Higgins Veterans' Day Program is Thursday, November 8 at the school.  The program starts at 6 pm.  We need all available Higgins Scouts to help us with the opening and closing Flag ceremonies.  And, to hand out stars to the veterans present.  We need you there no later than 5:30 pm to go over the details of the ceremonies.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  I know the program is only intended for 2nd and 3rd graders, but we need all ages of Scouts to participate, if able. Thanks for everything! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster