Author: Pack359

Rose Parade and Popcorn!

Dear Pack 359 Family, 1. Tyler Rose Parade – this Saturday, October 20.  Here are the details on the parade. We will be #3 in the lineup behind the City of Tyler Fire Truck. The parade route is about 1.25 miles.  Gathering:  We will gather at the intersection of Glenwood and Houston Streets at between 7:30 and 8:00am. A few minutes after 8:00am, we will move down to our staging area at Glenwood and Front Street.  Please be early!  Parade security may keep latecomers from entering the route.  Parade starts at 9:00am.  Josh Jones and Joanne Murski will be in charge of sign in and sign out of Scouts. Parking:  The best locations to park are Mike Carter Baseball Field or Peete Elementary School.  Keep in mind that many of…

Cancelled Meeting for Tonight, 10/15/18

After consulting the weather, I have decided to cancel the Webelos Den Meeting for this evening. You are welcome. Unfortunately, there is no indoor space available to us as the other Dens will be utilizing them. You can stop by and drop off completed health forms and YPT, if you haven’t done so already. We will meet next Monday, 6:30 pm, at Brookshire’s in Whitehouse to buy our ingredients for the meal each group plans to make at Fall Family Camp. Thanks again. Enjoy your night off!

Den Meeting, Monday, 10/15/18 at 6:30 pm

We will be starting a new adventure tomorrow, Stronger, Faster, Higher! Uniform is Pack Activity shirt. We will meet at the outside pavilion as we will be doing outside activities. Please look at requirements 1&2. If any parents have these items (jump rope, tape measures, 5 pound weight), please bring them. We will resume Cast Iron Chef Oct. 22 when we head to Brookshire’s as a den to purchase items for the meal each group planned for Fall Family Camp.

Den meeting

Howdy, Tomorrow night we will be reviewing bobcat requirements, finishing My Tiger Jungle and starting Tigers In the wild. Please bring materials listed on page 54 (stickers instead of paint) and I have quite a few saved milk jugs to share. Bring materials you have to share, remember a scout is thrifty. Yours In Scouting, Kathy

Remember, LIONS meet again on 10/15 and Pack Meeting on 10/29

Howdy LION Families! I enjoyed meeting all of you last week! What a great group of boys (and parents,and “Lion Support” siblings!!!) Lions will NOT MEET Monday 10/8 – We will generally meet 2 – 3 times per month, not every week -that’s the “Lion” plan. BE PRACTICING our Cub Scout Motto (Do Your Best) Cub scout Sign, and Salute so you will be ready when we meet again. When we meet on Monday, October 15th, we will need to discuss who is interested in riding in the Rose Parade on Saturday, October 20th, so check your family calendars! Also, the Lions will be going on a clean up hike and scavenger hunt of the church grounds and will practice helping with a Flag ceremony….

Den Meeting, Monday, 10/8

Howdy, Webelos Family! We will be meeting in the outdoor pavilion at the church tomorrow at 6:30pm. Uniform is Pack/Activity shirt as Mr. Scott Medcalf will be leading the meeting about building and starting fires. Please remember to bring your meal plan we started last week to review with your group from last week.

Monday Meeting 10/8

Good Evening Tigers! Tomorrow evening we will be meeting at Faulkner Park, hiking trail. Drive past the ballfields and on your right you will see the trail head. We will review Bobcat and start our first belt loop – Into the Jungle. Please read your scout books requirement 1 and 2 to be prepared for our adventure. Join our private FB page to share pictures of our year. Yours in Scouting, Kathy Prince

Den Meeting 10/1

Hello Den 3! I am looking forward to our first official den meeting. We are going to work on our bobcat! It is the very first rank our boys will earn. Please bring your scout book. If you have elmer’s glue and scissors to share that would be great. See you tonight. Kathy